Fee Mp3`s (music minus one)
02:24 on Friday, October 21, 2005
I purchased these downloads last week and I thought I would pass them along. Hey everyone like freebies, right?!
This are recording of a real piano (not midi) and Hapsicord for Bach`s Sonata in E Major.
The other one is for Poulence Sonata.
The are wonderful to pratice with. I love them! When I get some more I will post them.
Edited by Forum Admin at 02:47 on Wednesday, November 02, 2005 Reason: links removed for legal reasons]
Re: Fee Mp3`s (music minus one)
02:27 on Friday, October 21, 2005
Dang! Nevermind. I guess you can only download them so many times. Sorry about that. I will try to get them to you all another way.
Re: Fee Mp3`s (music minus one)
20:38 on Saturday, October 22, 2005
That Piano accompaniment site looks interesting. Do you know if it is midi arrangements feed through a digital piano or an actual player? Good quality?
I usually play along with Classical midi`s from the Classical Midi Archive website http://www.classicalarchives.com/ and use a midi program to kill the flute tracks so that I can play them myself.
Re: Fee Mp3`s (music minus one)
22:17 on Saturday, October 22, 2005
Sorry, I just re read your question. Duhh..! (Hits head!)
I think that they are an actual person playing them.
Re: Fee Mp3`s (music minus one)
22:20 on Saturday, October 22, 2005
Piko, if you like that site, then check out this one.
I downloaded it for $10 month trial and it is great! Only thing is, it doesn`t come with the music. I am in the process of downloading all the files to mp3 so I can put them on a disk. That way I don`t have to pay $90 for a year membership. Hee, hee, pretty sneaky!
Re: Fee Mp3`s (music minus one)
02:49 on Sunday, October 23, 2005
I`ll have to give smartmusic a try. I`ve had it downloaded forever, but never bothered to install it yet.
Re: Fee Mp3`s (music minus one)
14:22 on Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Smartmusic is a good program...I`ve had a disk for forever, but never found the time to load it. Finale Notepad is great, too... But, my disk was something like a promotional give away, so I am a bit nervous to try it on the computer. Yes, my brand new computer....
Re: Fee Mp3`s (music minus one)
07:05 on Tuesday, November 1, 2005
(Paul Gardner)
Hi all,
Kara, I`m delighted that you find my tracks useful to practice along with. It`s good to know that they are being put to good use!
However, I`m afraid I do take exception at my recordings being distributed for free on forums and via email. Please don`t do it (my site`s terms and conditions do make this clear). I`m absolutely nothing to do with Music Minus One, as posted in the original title. I`m just a piano accompanist in the UK, trying to survive in the music industry, who decided to set up a website distributing recordings that I hope can benefit classical musicians. The reason they are, as you say `beautiful arrangements` is because I spent a great deal of time recording and editing every movement until I thought they were fit to practice along with. It`s not a big corporation that is being ripped off, it`s just little old me, and besides which, the tracks aren`t that expensive to buy are they?
Paul Gardner
Re: Fee Mp3`s (music minus one)
15:55 on Tuesday, November 1, 2005
Sorry about that. I really didn`t mean to imply that you were associated with music minus one, I used it more as a term and that is why I wrote it in parentheses.
They didn`t work anyway, so no need to worry. Unfortunately, when downloaded as an MP3 the quality is quite horrible. Have you thought about turning down your volume when recording? It makes a terrible buzzing sound.
But thank you for offering them, it is just that younger people don`t always have the means to purchase them and could really use the help.The songs can get quite expensive when you add it all up. But, I do understand. Once again, I apologize. I will see about having the post removed.
Re: Fee Mp3`s (music minus one)
16:04 on Tuesday, November 1, 2005
I just went back and read the terms on your site, you have my word that I won`t distribute these.
Re: Fee Mp3`s (music minus one)
17:05 on Tuesday, November 1, 2005
(Paul Gardner)
Thanks Kara, I appreciate your reply
I`m not sure where you`re getting the buzzing sound from. Having tested the downloads myself on loads of systems I rarely find any buzzing apart from speaker buzz (using low wattage speakers on very high volume). Sorry if this is proving a problem though.
I`m actually a `young-ish` musician myself, and I know it`s tempting to try and find whatever you can for as little as possible. I do appreciate you were just trying to help your fellow flute players, and I don`t have a particular problem with that.
But at the same time, I`ve tried to make my prices affordable for even youngsters (a sonata accompaniment for $10 is pretty reasonable when you consider the cost of hiring an accompanist for an hour).
Anyway, good luck with your flute playing everyone,