Teaching Aid for Woodwind - Would you use it?
07:50 on Friday, October 21, 2005
Hi there. I`m a third year in university studying Computer Science. I`m also an amateur flautist.
For my final project I`m intending to write a piece of software that will detect, using a specially adapted instrument, intonation and timing of a performance.
Basically, as you play, your performance is displayed on screen in staff notation. It can be used on it`s own or you can read in a MIDI file of your choice and compare your performance with that.
This software is not intended for advanced players. It is something I am building mainly for myself. As a flute teacher I know how difficult it is to get young students to listen to their own performance... and also how difficult it can be sometimes to catch onto reading staff notation.
What this package is meant to do is to make `listening` more visual.
Would anyone here use such a package themselves? Would there be any parts about it you wouldn`t be too sure about? I`m not worried about musicality as it is accuracy of performance for early learners that is the aim. Any constructive feedback is useful.
Thanks. Emm
Re: Teaching Aid for Woodwind - Would you use it?
09:18 on Friday, October 21, 2005
SmartMusic does a great deal of what you are describing already and is used by many school programs and private instructors. Have you seen that program?
Re: Teaching Aid for Woodwind - Would you use it?
10:57 on Friday, October 21, 2005
HI Emmy, sounds interesting, you can email me at my website:
www.patrickandfriends.com, send more details
Re: Teaching Aid for Woodwind - Would you use it?
11:20 on Friday, October 21, 2005
I have seen Smartmusic... free program with subscription for the accompaniment. It is something very similar but not quite (for one thing... they use, I think signal processing to detect intonation... I am using a modified instrument for sheer lack of time... signal processing like that would take me a lot longer than my course would allow for and I think a flute you can plug into your computer is quite cool (man, I`m such a geek)).
There are some features to my app that would make it quite different to Smartmusic... however I`m not going to disclose them until I`ve actually finished coding them! 
Re: Teaching Aid for Woodwind - Would you use it?
11:21 on Friday, October 21, 2005
Sorry for the double post... I didn`t read the other reply.
I will send details as I progress. I`m toying with the idea of a progress blog now so I may well just send you the link to that.
Re: Teaching Aid for Woodwind - Would you use it?
13:00 on Friday, October 21, 2005
(Roses are #FF0000)
Your idea for a program sounds cool, but it sounds like it will be a lot just one person to write, but since it is for a final project your department probably wants something complex. I am currently dating a senior in the CS deparment at my university and he has yet to write anything that complicated in any of his classes (even in a group project) Anyways, I say go for it. Which language are you going to use? It would be ironic if you wrote it in C sharp.
Side note to non-computer geeks. the #FF0000 means "red".
Re: Teaching Aid for Woodwind - Would you use it?
23:07 on Friday, October 21, 2005
That reminds me of a poem.
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Ar@k is rude and I know you think so too.
Re: Teaching Aid for Woodwind - Would you use it?
00:21 on Saturday, October 22, 2005
These attacks grow increasingly bad
You know it makes others so mad
It is such a pity
You aren`t more witty
It`s really quite frankly just sad.
Re: Teaching Aid for Woodwind - Would you use it?
00:27 on Saturday, October 22, 2005
That`s a very interesting project your working on. Would the flute be akin to the Synthophone, midi Saxophone?
Re: Teaching Aid for Woodwind - Would you use it?
00:30 on Saturday, October 22, 2005
Re: Teaching Aid for Woodwind - Would you use it?
00:41 on Saturday, October 22, 2005
These attacks are so much fun
Not much worse then what Ar@k has done
The guy so nutty, he gets on my nerves,
But fits right in with the rest of the pervs.
Re: Teaching Aid for Woodwind - Would you use it?
01:26 on Saturday, October 22, 2005
ha·rass Pronunciation Key (h-rs, hrs)
tr.v. ha·rassed, ha·rass·ing, ha·rass·es
1. To irritate or torment persistently.
2. To wear out; exhaust.
3. To impede and exhaust (an enemy) by repeated attacks or raids.
Re: Teaching Aid for Woodwind - Would you use it?
01:26 on Saturday, October 22, 2005
rude Pronunciation Key (rd)
adj. rud·er, rud·est
1. Relatively undeveloped; primitive: a rude and savage land; a rude agricultural implement.
1. Being in a crude, rough, unfinished condition: a rude thatched hut.
2. Exhibiting a marked lack of skill or precision in work: rude crafts.
3. In a natural, raw state: bales of rude cotton.
1. Lacking the graces and refinement of civilized life; uncouth.
2. Lacking education or knowledge; unlearned.
3. Ill-mannered; discourteous: rude behavior.
4. Vigorous, robust, and sturdy.
5. Abruptly and unpleasantly forceful: received a rude shock.
Re: Teaching Aid for Woodwind - Would you use it?
01:45 on Saturday, October 22, 2005
Thanks for sharing that with us Defenestrated. It`s nice to know that you own a dictionary.
Quite poems, guys! Lol!
Re: Teaching Aid for Woodwind - Would you use it?
02:20 on Saturday, October 22, 2005
It`s okay to respond when provoked
To attack without cause is no joke
If you try to be kind
I`m certain you`ll find
Even Ar@k`s a well-meaning bloke