emerson flutes
13:50 on Sunday, October 23, 2005
thinking of getting a new flute, guess the old one from the garage sale is just not cutting it anymore. But the brand i was thinking of trying is an Emerson, open hole with a c foot joint. Does anyon know anything about these flutes. Are they good???
Re: emerson flutes
15:31 on Sunday, October 23, 2005
I`ve heard both good and bad opinions. You may want play test one yourself. Their American style headjoint has had some favorable comments if you can choose the cut style.
Check out Fluteworld.com and wwandbw.com for general pricing.
Re: emerson flutes
15:36 on Sunday, October 23, 2005
There is a very wide range of quality and prices for flutes (just like most other products). The key is to find one that fits your needs.
If you were looking for a vehicle, a VW bug might fit your needs, but someone else might need (want) a Porsche.
You are going to find that some people will immediately jump on here and say that Emersons are a piece of junk, and then the next person will say that Emerson is the BEST.
Having read this and other forums for quite awhile now, I can say that the best advice for you is this:
1. Be realistic about your ability level
2. Be realistic about your future needs (college? etc.)and what you will be playing (for pleasure, competition, community band, symphony orchestra etc.)
3. Determine your budget!
4. Try as many flutes in your budget range as possible.
5. Go for what fits you and your needs the best.
As far as I can objectively tell, the only flutes to REALLY stay away from are the very cheaply make ebay or Discount Store "off-brand" type flutes.
Most other flutes are good enough to nicely meet someone`s needs. Just remember, some people need a VW and some people need a Porsche. Neither is THE BEST for ALL situations. Find what is best for your situation. Good Luck.
Re: emerson flutes
17:16 on Sunday, October 23, 2005
Here! Here! Well said Kippsix!
Re: emerson flutes
02:37 on Monday, October 24, 2005
Thank-you, I appreciate that!
Re: emerson flutes
12:22 on Monday, October 24, 2005
I had an emerson flute all through out junior high and most of high school. It was an ok flute, much nicer than my student model flute anyways. I think Emerson is a good flute for its price range. I recommend getting one with an offset g and you might want to consider getting a B foot joint.
Re: emerson flutes
14:05 on Thursday, October 27, 2005
I agree with Kippsix, try something in your price range, any reputable flute that works well will suit you