Check out this one!
00:14 on Monday, October 24, 2005
Re: Check out this one!
13:44 on Monday, October 24, 2005
yer funny, takes you from beginner- advance lol!! woteva
hi im josh a flute pupil at chethams school of music, check out the website
Re: Check out this one!
13:55 on Monday, October 24, 2005
Re: Check out this one!
15:10 on Monday, October 24, 2005
Lol! I think established that you are a flute student at chethams school of music the first 100 times.
Is your real name Josh? I only ask because I have some administrative contacts for that school and I was going to ask them about your talent.
Re: Check out this one!
15:15 on Monday, October 24, 2005
No my real name aint josh but i aint tellin u ma real 1
Re: Check out this one!
15:22 on Monday, October 24, 2005
sorry about al l the grief iv given u im sure ur amazing. i wont come on this website again. just out of interest who are you contacts in chets?
Re: Check out this one!
15:26 on Monday, October 24, 2005
Im very sorry kara!
Re: Check out this one!
15:37 on Monday, October 24, 2005
"Professional key of C"
Hahahahah. Because having a flute pitched in the key of C makes you so very professional, duh!
Re: Check out this one!
15:40 on Monday, October 24, 2005
Hey Josh, there is need to apologize to me.  If you were on this site for a while, you would see that I can get nasty too. did insult my friend Patrick. He has been on this board for quite some time now and I like many others have enjoyed his sharing of knowledge on this site. flutists can have big egos that we need to keep in check every now and then. I don`t know what is with us flutist! Yes, I refer to it as flutist. Flutist of flautist, neither one is incorrect.
Re: Check out this one!
15:41 on Monday, October 24, 2005
I just thought that the auction was funny because they called it Platinum plated!
Re: Check out this one!
16:03 on Monday, October 24, 2005
Hi i realise i got out of hand and im sorry also i have apoligised to Partick immesly and so has my friend Sarah you seem like a very nice person and sorry to have upset you Josh x
Re: Check out this one!
16:35 on Monday, October 24, 2005
Nahh... you didn`t upset me, don`t worry about it. You are nothing compared to another person that I squabble with all the time on this forum, trust me!
Re: Check out this one!
10:29 on Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Who do you squabble with all the time on this forumn?
Re: Check out this one!
12:13 on Tuesday, October 25, 2005
He uses many names, so I can`t really say.
Re: Check out this one!
14:19 on Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Hee! Kara, I know who you are talking about! Didn`t you and I join the forum about the same time? I forget... That auction is hilarious! Wow, some people are just trying to get money...