Gold Lip Plates
16:46 on Wednesday, November 9, 2005
Does a gold lip plate affect the sound of a flute? I`m getting one put on my flute and I`ve heard that they make it sound better.
Re: Gold Lip Plates
17:36 on Wednesday, November 9, 2005
I`ve never played with Gold, but I hear that the riser makes a difference and the lip make no difference at all. Gold lip doesn`t tarnish.
However some say the material doesn`t matter at all and the different sound you get from Gold is all in your head. 
Re: Gold Lip Plates
19:50 on Wednesday, November 9, 2005
I have heard it does make it sound better.
Re: Gold Lip Plates
20:47 on Wednesday, November 9, 2005
No, gold plating on a lip plate will not change the sound.
Re: Gold Lip Plates
02:32 on Thursday, November 10, 2005
I totally agree
"No, gold plating on a lip plate will not change the sound."
A profound and worthy statement, Kara.
Re: Gold Lip Plates
16:11 on Thursday, November 10, 2005
A salesman told me the gold lip plate prevents marks forming as the silver flute does under your lip where you place your flute.
The only time that happened on my silver flute is if I wore any foundation or any chemical product over my face. A nasty silver mark like when you use a polishing rage and the gray/black residue left on the cloth would be on my face. The salesman says it`s due to the silver of the flute comming intact with the chemical on your face and the gold lip plate would prevent this. I just don`t wear foundation or anything under my lip when I play. But I know of other girls who would at a concert and have gray all on their chin! I would wear foundation but just not on my chin.
I wasn`t interested before but now that I am using other products on my face at times it would be nice. It`s not allways foundation. I had moisturizer and it did it slightly. In fact I spoke to girl after band and she kept looking at me funny. Then I saw in a mirror a light gray beard on my face :O(
Re: Gold Lip Plates
13:15 on Sunday, November 13, 2005
some stores will tell you it will affect the sound, as Kara said, it won`t, it might feel nice though, gold has a nice warm feel to it
Re: Gold Lip Plates
16:02 on Sunday, November 13, 2005
What would make extremely thin gold plating FEEL warm, other than some confusion between the visual and tactile senses? :-)
Re: Gold Lip Plates
18:32 on Sunday, November 13, 2005
When playing on a gold or gold plated lip plate, I like the feel, it feels less slippery to me. I am allergic to silver, so I never had much of a choice. I had to spend a lot more for a solid 14 K lip plate on my headjoint, but my chin thanks me!
Re: Gold Lip Plates
18:46 on Sunday, November 13, 2005
rated g, I meant a real gold lip plate
Re: Gold Lip Plates
23:45 on Sunday, November 13, 2005
I guess the gold alloy has a lower thermal conductivity that the sterling silver does. Plastic or timber would feel even warmer :-) Better avoid pure silver!
Re: Gold Lip Plates
18:57 on Monday, November 14, 2005
I don`t know whether a gold lip plate makes much difference (I have one on my flute) but gold plating on the inside of the head does
Re: Gold Lip Plates
18:58 on Monday, November 14, 2005
It give a warmer tone
Re: Gold Lip Plates
22:06 on Monday, November 14, 2005
That flies in the face of both science theory and rigorous research.
Re: Gold Lip Plates
23:26 on Monday, November 14, 2005
Yes, I Agree rated G!
Some people will believe anything a sales person tell them. It is scientifically impossible for such a THIN layer of gold plating to give it a warmer sound. That is how the music industry make the bucks, by sucking gullible people in. It is funny how gullible some inexperienced flutist can be. (Pleas note, I said SOME, not all.) It is not there fault totally though, we have marketing hype to thank for that. Me sighs....