Flute intervals?
16:35 on Saturday, November 12, 2005
I recently saw a piece of music for flute that had an interval of 4 half-steps on the flute being played at the same time. The two notes written were F# and A. These notes were written as a chord would be on a piano, implying that they were to be played at the same time. I was wondering if anyone could explain to me how this is possible, and if so, how it works?
Re: Flute intervals?
16:41 on Saturday, November 12, 2005
Two things I can think of...
1) The part is written for multiple flute playes.
2) You`re looking at a tremolo (wide-range trill).
Without seeing the music it`s hard to tell...
Re: Flute intervals?
20:58 on Saturday, November 12, 2005
Perhaps it is indicating that you create an effect, maybe by enveloping the entire lip plate with your lips and blowing hard! LOL!
Re: Flute intervals?
06:07 on Sunday, November 13, 2005
Well....F# to G is three 1/2 steps and not 4. Technically called a minor third. If one were playing 4 1/2 steps at the same time that might mean to be inclusive and would include the notes F#, G, G#, A, and A# all at the same time.-Not going to be a very sweet chord to the ear.
Some of the other options not mentioned might be:
1)A mistake in the music. Check the piano part.
2) An Ossia measure given the option of playing one or the other. usually indicated in the score with some writing.
3)A multiphonic. Playing both notes. Generally on relatively modern music. Also usually indicated in the score with some writing.
4)A multiphonic where one plays one of the tones and sings/hums the other. Again also usually indicated in the score with some writing.
Re: Flute intervals?
10:30 on Sunday, November 13, 2005
Thanks for your suggestions guys! (Yes I did realize that I had made an error in counting the intervals!) But it specifically says in the music, above the notes, "Is Possible". I`ll give you the webpage if you want to see it:
The piece is "Image No. 1". Click on "Listen" to see it.
Re: Flute intervals?
06:10 on Monday, November 14, 2005
Well...I could see about 6 measures of the piece here. No double stops in the flute part.
Re: Flute intervals?
07:20 on Monday, November 14, 2005
Re: Flute intervals?
05:30 on Tuesday, November 15, 2005
now I see it but am not sure. Also not sure why it says "Possible" above it. Would someone kindly Email the composer and ask: