18:48 on Tuesday, November 15, 2005
I`m pretty new to playing the piccolo, but I already know I`m in love with :P
The piccolo that I`m using plays like a dream, but my school (being only in 8th grade with no marching band) has no real songs for me to play the piccolo in  Does anybody have any suggestions for songs that I could just practice with? It`s hard to practice without having songs to play, even if I can do the scales and stuff. Please post here or e-mail if you could, thanks an awful lot!
Re: Piccolo...
19:47 on Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Check out www.fluteworld.com They have lots of music for piccolo. The Vivaldi piccolo concertos are a lot of fun, so you might want to try out one of those. Orchestral music and wind esemble music sometimes has some really great piccolo parts, so don`t worry there will be piccolo music for you to play. I love the piccolo too.
Re: Piccolo...
14:32 on Friday, November 18, 2005
Katie, you can play almost any flute music on Piccolo, so go for it
Re: Piccolo...
14:36 on Friday, November 18, 2005