b foot
09:54 on Sunday, December 4, 2005
can anyone tell me what is the point in spending money when how many pieces for flute have low b in them?
Re: b foot
10:32 on Sunday, December 4, 2005
Usually, it has a Low B and a high C facilitator.
Understandable question and some don`t bother with them. As a matter of fact some may say that it damages the tone quality on the flute. In High School level playing, 98% of the time students don`t even use the low b or the higher range at all.
On the + side, you can play low b`s and it makes high Cs and higher come out more easily.
Re: b foot
15:03 on Sunday, December 4, 2005
I use mine all the time especially in the French pieces.
Re: b foot
15:39 on Sunday, December 4, 2005
I actually had to play part of a piece with several low b`s at my audition for a flute spot in my college`s higher band. There were other pieces of music that we had to play too, of course, without low b, but my friend and fellow flutist was so freaked out about blowing her audition due to her c-foot that she asked to borrow my footjoint for her audition. So if you plan to play in college it may be worth it to spend the extra dollars.
Re: b foot
12:11 on Monday, December 5, 2005
If you play in a flute choir you will encounter low B`s in most music.
Re: b foot
13:30 on Monday, December 5, 2005
I now play on a low c again and can usually play a substitute note if I encounter a low b, whenever I give lectures to young people I often ask for a show of hands of those who have a bfoot, then I ask for a show of hands for those who have actually played a low b and very few raise their hand.
I prefer a c foot on my flute because of its age and scale
Re: b foot
16:40 on Saturday, December 31, 2005
in solo music a b foot is only really required for some french pieces or more likely avant garde modern music si it depends on the kinda of music you play. HOpe this helps
Re: b foot
19:02 on Saturday, December 31, 2005
The B foot joint helps the low C to play in tune better than without it.
Re: b foot
21:12 on Saturday, December 31, 2005
who told you that Emmy? doesn`t make any sense
Re: b foot
22:36 on Saturday, December 31, 2005
Maybe she in confusing the low C to the fourth octave C?
Re: b foot
00:06 on Sunday, January 1, 2006
Re: "On the + side, you can play low b`s and it makes high Cs and higher come out more easily."
What high C are we talking about here? The flute`s normal range is from middle C to the C three octave`s above. I`ve written the Db above THIS high C as well--because the flautist I`d engaged to try what I wrote as I went could negotiate it seemingly effortlessly.
About the low B: As soon as composers begin to assume they will get it when they ask for it they will ask for it. As long as composers assume they will not get it they will not ask for it and will do perfectly fine without it. Collectively, the matter is in your hands.
Re: b foot
00:09 on Sunday, January 1, 2006
Re: "Maybe she in confusing the low C to the fourth octave C?"
The normal range of the flute is only three octaves.
Re: b foot
00:19 on Sunday, January 1, 2006
Re: "I now play on a low c again and can usually play a substitute note if I encounter a low b."
If the composer finds out he`ll shoot you, and the court will rule the act a justifiable homicide. On the other hand, if you shoot the composer for writing a low B in the first place, the court will rule this act a justifiable homicide also. The quicker draw wins.
Re: b foot
00:39 on Sunday, January 1, 2006
"The normal range of the flute is only three octaves"
Oh my gosh! Sorry, you are correct, really, I did know that. No more champane for me tonight! Lol! I would love to see someone try to hit a fourth octave C though!
Re: b foot
09:03 on Sunday, January 1, 2006
alls I know is that when playing very contemporary pieces, I need to join a support group afterwards to recover