Pet Peeves
22:14 on Monday, December 5, 2005
I thought I would take a break from practicing, so I went to the flute section on ebay (my favorite place!)
and once again, these things annoyed me....
This is a MAJOR pet peeve of mine. Please tell me why so many band directors refer to flutes as a horn? Example: "That horn is in great condition." I see it on ebay all the time. And what is with the whole B flat foot joint! People that claim to play the flute auction their flute up on ebay and list it as having a B-flat foot all the time.
You think that they would know better.
Okay now that I have ranted, what are some of your pet peeves in the music world? I have a lot more, but it would probably take me way too long to type out.
Hey, if anyone wants to check out my site I have added some more pictures.
Re: Pet Peeves
22:40 on Monday, December 5, 2005
I have way too many pet peeves to post on here...but I think my biggest one is trying to explain to people who aren`t musicians, like my family and some friends, that I have to practice EVERYDAY. I can`t stand when they start getting annoyed at the fact that I`m a dedicated flute student, and they can`t understand why I can`t just make up the 3 hours of practice I`d lose another day. Overall, I guess I don`t like explaining why I do things to people who couldn`t ever understand... >_<
Re: Pet Peeves
02:59 on Tuesday, December 6, 2005
"Horn". It seems to be a regional custom. USA players and repairers seem to refer to any wind instrument as a "horn". I`ve even picked up the habit myself a bit on forums, but only for saxophone.
I don`t hear the term used like that at all where I am.
Re: Pet Peeves
03:56 on Tuesday, December 6, 2005
It must be a USA thing then, but it is really annoying!
Re: Pet Peeves
04:48 on Tuesday, December 6, 2005
Maybe came from pop/jazz players who try to sound cool by using simple words to describe things. Less syllables the better.
As a fun dig...Now the Saxophone is a mixed up example EDGER. Basically it has the wrong type of mouthpiece on it. Should have been a buzz-tone instrument with a mouthpiece about the size of a trombone`s.
Re: Pet Peeves
11:34 on Tuesday, December 6, 2005
Maybe people figure that if they just say "horn" they won`t have to learn all the names of all the different instruments, and that would be such a hassle (j/k).
It annoys me too, I don`t play horn I play the flute. If people want to use a generic term for instrument. Why don`t they just say instrument?
Re: Pet Peeves
13:45 on Tuesday, December 6, 2005
derives from doublers
Re: Pet Peeves
19:56 on Tuesday, December 6, 2005
Re: Pet Peeves
20:01 on Tuesday, December 6, 2005
I would have to say ebay sellers who spell piccolo wrong, and call a flute a three piece piccolo. Also people who think guys shouldn`t play flute/picc.
Re: Pet Peeves
22:03 on Tuesday, December 6, 2005
As an ex-English major, my pet peeves involve spelling and grammatical errors. Here is a short list:
** loose vs. lose (the first is the opposite of tight while the second is to go missing, not the other way around)
** your vs. you`re (if you mean "you are," PLEASE, for God`s sake, use the second version)
** misuse of apostrophes. They show possession, people. Don`t use them when pluralizing, i.e. piccolos, not piccolo`s.
There are more, but I see these more often than not. It makes me wonder if English grammar is still a required subject in our educational system.
Re: Pet Peeves
22:20 on Tuesday, December 6, 2005
You must hate reading my posts! I try. Lol!
** misuse of apostrophes. They show possession, people. Don`t use them when pluralizing, i.e. piccolos, not piccolo`s.
I STILL mess that up all the time.
Re: Pet Peeves
00:41 on Wednesday, December 7, 2005
Adjacent prepositions.
..amount of people, or amount of flutes, etc. "Amount" is for things that cannot be counted, such as oil, or air, or Otherwise it should be "many".
Likewise "much" is for uncountable commodities.
Likewise, "fewer" is for countable items, and "less" is for uncountable, such as sugar, or hardship. "Less people" is wrong.
Re: Pet Peeves
04:30 on Wednesday, December 7, 2005
"off of" instead of "off" or "from".
Re: Pet Peeves
06:02 on Wednesday, December 7, 2005
I hates to practuce cause it makes dose pet peaves come up and bites me on the backside of my subconscious......
One example is a student who says that an Ab and a G# are the same note. They ARE NOT!
Another, is a student who breathes on a dotted-note right where the dot is supposed to be played. Ghaddds!.
Then...Students who CAN`T come in to their lesson because they are SHOPPing at the mall.
Students who CAN`T come in to their lesson because they are too busy GOLFing or SOCCERing or SWIMming. I have one student who really goes out of her way to not come in. She bacame the national Soap box Derby Champion for her division.
And finally, those who don`t practice their asSIGNments! Dohhh!
There, now I feel better..sigh...
Actually, virtually every time I get upset at a student for not attending, they have a legit reason. A death in the family, car problem, last night the message read: Student in hospital, w/ kidney stones. Wouldn`t wish that on anyone.
Re: Pet Peeves
07:51 on Wednesday, December 7, 2005
My turn to vent a bit as well...
"Sally can`t have a lesson cause she didn`t have time to practice"
"I couldn`t practice the lesson cause I couldnt read your handwriting"
"How do you finger F#?"
Flute players who only talk about who they studied with
Flute players who only talk about what kind of flute they play
Flute players who have a lousy tone or poor intonation and blame it on the flute
students who don`t think an etude is a piece of music
musicians who pass judgement on a piece of music, especially one they don`t know
students who think where they go to school is more important than how they play