The biggest load of BS!!!
18:40 on Saturday, December 10, 2005
I read this in an auction on ebay and thought to myself..what a crock!
"Silverplated Instruments such as this one produce a rich mello tone. This is because the Silverplate bonds to the brass, expanding and contracting at the same ration and produces a richer and more full sound."
Re: The biggest load of BS!!!
19:21 on Saturday, December 10, 2005
Salesmen will say anything to sell their product. Some people believe everything. Some don`t. All they need is one sucker to make a sale.
I displayed to a student this morning that an appropriately lengthed extension to the flute foot joint can make the flute play the next semi-tone down. I ripped a piece of paper about 2" by 8" and wrapped it around the end of the foot joint a few times overlapping the end by about 1/4". Had the student hold it in place and then played a low Bb. The tone was just fine with the tube extension being of loosely wrapped paper.
Re: The biggest load of BS!!!
22:51 on Saturday, December 10, 2005
There is a guy on ebay that is selling a vintage Powell. He gold plated the thing! Me not happy...
It was for a good price and I would have seriously thought about buying it, but not after seeing it yellow!
Re: The biggest load of BS!!!
08:47 on Sunday, December 11, 2005
young people on this forum, beware and caveat emptor, especially when buying a flute from a large store. just as running shoes won`t make you a better runner, a modern scale flute wont give you better intonation
Re: The biggest load of BS!!!
16:11 on Sunday, December 11, 2005
Modern flutes have come a long way and have made the scale much better than the old vintage flutes. If you have a good ear, you can just about play any flute in tune. But why struggle with a flute with an old scale? Why make the flute any harder to play than it has to be? If a flutist has problems with intonation to begin with, I would NEVER recommend an old scale flute for them to play on.
Re: The biggest load of BS!!!
16:59 on Sunday, December 11, 2005
are we going to start this debate again? haha
Rampal insisted on french scale
Re: The biggest load of BS!!!
23:08 on Sunday, December 11, 2005
"Rampal insisted on french scale"
Well that is explains it then. That is why he had such horrid intonation! Listen to some of his recordings.
Re: The biggest load of BS!!!
23:17 on Sunday, December 11, 2005
I am loathe to recount this... but I read Rampal came across a student Yamaha flute and was so taken by its ease to play in tune that he bought it.
Re: The biggest load of BS!!!
01:56 on Monday, December 12, 2005
Lol! Piko. He must have loved the flutes with bad scales. Maybe that just worked for him....or maybe not.
Re: The biggest load of BS!!!
08:44 on Monday, December 12, 2005
he never played any thing but Haynes, and I just did a recording with a top NYC freelancer who has a Haynes from 1927, but he knows how to play in tune
Re: The biggest load of BS!!!
14:30 on Monday, December 12, 2005
I am sure he does. I didn`t say you COULD NOT play an old scale flute in tune, it is just harder.