All-District Band Audition Tips Please
11:13 on Sunday, December 11, 2005
I am looking for some all-district band audtion tips.
I had the audition yesterday, and I placed 54 out of 91 (and beat out two people in wind ensemble!! Go me!)
However, I did not make the final cut. Can anyone give me any tips?
Re: All-District Band Audition Tips Please
12:03 on Sunday, December 11, 2005
be yourself, don`t force, and try to impress them with how soft you can play as much as how loud you can play. Also remember that music sounds faster when all the notes are clear and in tune.
Most of all, remember that they want you to do good and are looking for good people, greet them in a friendly manner and hold your head up when you walk in the room.
Re: All-District Band Audition Tips Please
12:44 on Sunday, December 11, 2005
Well...the only problem on the greeting part is that the judges at mine are behind a curtain.
Re: All-District Band Audition Tips Please
15:09 on Sunday, December 11, 2005
then send good vibes
Re: All-District Band Audition Tips Please
21:26 on Tuesday, December 13, 2005
also, make sure those listening hear:
clear, concise articulation
exxagerated dynamics and crescendos and decrescendos
rubato, tastefully done
steady tempos
Re: All-District Band Audition Tips Please
22:49 on Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Re: All-District Band Audition Tips Please
01:36 on Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Rubato means that you have the freedom to play out of tempo. Obvious periods of rubato is where the orchestra stops and a solo instrument plays freely in their own time such as in a cadenza. However there can be a rubato section for the entire orchestra and you just have to watch the conductor for how he wants the music to go... he can speed up or slow down at will.
Also one rubato style for a pianist is to play with both hands out of sync to create a delay/echo effect.
Here`s a text book definition:
A performer`s slight deviations from a strict tempo
Re: All-District Band Audition Tips Please
08:26 on Wednesday, December 14, 2005
good explanation for her, Piko
One has to show personality in auditions and not just imitate others, so many blast in auditions, or wither away, important to hear a wide range of color and flexibility
Re: All-District Band Audition Tips Please
16:05 on Wednesday, December 14, 2005
My result was 54th Chair out of 91. Yes, I did not make the final all-district band, but I beat the second and fourth flutist of the wind ensemble (I`m first chair concert band) and Dr. Eyles (the wind ensemble instructor) is proud of me.
Re: All-District Band Audition Tips Please
16:09 on Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Oh my gosh
i tried out sat.
i made 4 chair clarinet out of ms and hs
advice- dont be nevrous...if you do you loose concrtration and forget the notes
also- not practice too much.. your mouth will get too tired
Re: All-District Band Audition Tips Please
19:12 on Wednesday, December 14, 2005
The whole system sounds rather complicated!
Here in the UK, you just join a band and that`s it generally. Usually with school bands you get forced to go by the teachers and then you just get placed according to what grade you are or how good you are generally, without audition. Same with most other bands.
The only thing I`ve ever had to audition for was University Orchestra, because obviously they let fewer people into orchestras and the standard there is higher.
Re: All-District Band Audition Tips Please
20:06 on Wednesday, December 14, 2005
You tried out Saturday too??
Thanks for the tips everyone!!
Re: All-District Band Audition Tips Please
21:47 on Friday, December 16, 2005
Hi I live in Kentucky and I tried out a while ago and got 6th chair concert band which is really good considering the number of people who did try out. I was surprised because i got SO nervous and messed up a lot.. Where do you guys live?
Re: All-District Band Audition Tips Please
09:20 on Saturday, December 17, 2005
Me? Virginia (and home of one of the best high school wind ensemble in the world...but that`s not my high school...I think)
Where I tried out, there is fierce competition.
I am proud how I did (since I didn`t have to audition and I`m not in marching band or anything).
Next year I hope to make all-district though.