Gemeinhardt M3
18:37 on Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Sorry for the double post, the first time I tried to post a message I didn`t get it in the forum that I wanted it to be in (Flutes). Be that as it may... A local music store has a new Gemeinhardt M3 for sale. I don`t see any info about this model at Gemeinhardt`s web site. It looks like a 3SHB except it has a gold-plated lip plate. Is this an older, discontinued model? Is it any good? It`s on sale for $885. Is that a bargain? Thanks!!
Re: Gemeinhardt M3
20:38 on Tuesday, December 13, 2005
The Gemeinhardt M3 is their Model 3. If the flute in the store really is a Model 3, than it is NOT a good deal. They want you to believe it is a higher quality flute because it has a gold plated lip plate, but it is just an open-holed student flute, and the lip plate is just a sales gimmick.
In general, you don`t get the best quality for the money from Gemeinhardt. For that price, Yamaha flutes are of much higher quality. Look around and try out different flutes in your price range, It`s not a good idea just to try one flute out at the local music store.
Re: Gemeinhardt M3
21:09 on Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Re: Gemeinhardt M3
00:37 on Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Once more the Gemeinhardt 3SB which is SOLID silver (to some extent  ) is only around $700 new. I think with a gold lip is only $50 more.
Is this a first flute or an upgrade? What flute do you currently have, if any?
Re: Gemeinhardt M3
04:30 on Wednesday, December 14, 2005
(Ed Germ)
In my experience many student flutes, including Gemeinhardt, play no better when their standard head is made from silver. There are too many other limiting factors in the DESIGN of the head, so with a silver head, they still sound `fuzzy`.
Re: Gemeinhardt M3
14:39 on Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Fuzzy for your own embouchure, you mean.
Re: Gemeinhardt M3
17:12 on Wednesday, December 14, 2005
I did want to point out that I did not mean that to be offensive. We all have different embouchure styles that react differently to different heads and cuts.
Re: Gemeinhardt M3
19:34 on Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Gemeinhardt flutes are good for plumming. No respectable flutist will play on one.
Re: Gemeinhardt M3
21:05 on Wednesday, December 14, 2005
You mean plumbing. And I played on one for years. I eventually outgrew it, but it served me well.
Re: Gemeinhardt M3
23:01 on Wednesday, December 14, 2005
"Gemeinhardt flutes are good for plumming. No respectable flutist will play on one."
I don`t personally like the gemeinhardt flutes, but I don`t think the above statement is true. Obviously there are a lot of good flute players who use Gemeinhardts. Some are quite loyal to their brand.
We need to be more tolerant of differences, even when it`s just a different preference of flut brands.
Re: Gemeinhardt M3
02:36 on Thursday, December 15, 2005
Agreed, Kippsix. I played on a Gemeinhardt 3SHB for a couple of years in High School. While it didn`t always hold it`s adjustments very well,it was still okay for me. I always got a nice tone on them and still do. Remember, it isn`t the flute that makes the player.
If the Gemeinhardt is what you like, then choose that one. No one says you have to like what everyone else does. If we all did, then wouldn`t that be a bit boring?
Re: Gemeinhardt M3
00:54 on Friday, December 16, 2005
bringing it back up