More info re Gemeinhardt M3
08:07 on Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Thanks to all of those that replied to my earlier post! I called Gemeinhardt and learned the folling:
Gemeinhardt made M3 flutes in the 70`s, but my understanding is that those are not the same flutes that are built now using that same model number. The current M3 flutes are made exclusively for Marshall Music (a huge music store in Michigan), and they are essentially a 3HSB with a gold-plated lip plate.
I played flute about 35 years ago and have decided to get back into it, so I`ve been looking for an intermediate flute. It`s been so long since I`ve played that I`m essentially a beginner. The salesman I talked to is flutist and he played several different flutes for me and even played with different head joints (I can`t hardly make a sound anymore, I need some practice!), including two new M3`s. I really like this flute. Is there anyone out there who has played a current model M3 or 3HSB? All comments are greatly appreciated!!!
Re: More info re Gemeinhardt M3
12:16 on Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Re: More info re Gemeinhardt M3
19:36 on Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Anything Gemeinhardt is a rip off, save your money, you are better off with a student Yamaha flute. Solid silver will not make your flute any better.
Re: More info re Gemeinhardt M3
23:04 on Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Dang, what classified ads are you using?!? I do not see either of those prices around here. I see much higher Yamaha prices, and much lower Gemmie prices that you`re quoting.
Re: More info re Gemeinhardt M3
00:15 on Thursday, December 15, 2005
| searching for Gemeinhardt 3SB
Re: More info re Gemeinhardt M3
00:17 on Thursday, December 15, 2005
Re: More info re Gemeinhardt M3
01:12 on Thursday, December 15, 2005
I see much higher Yamaha prices
Yamaha student flutes (200 series) sell for $300 after being refurbished. Anything higher for it used... is a rip-off.
For instance... Nancy Shinn does professional flute repair and sells used "fit for play" student Yamaha`s at such prices @ In fact she sells new ones for not much higher than the used ones.
However there is someone who sells them for $250 after fixing up mentioned on the flute list, but I don`t recall who.
I actually found a $50 Yamaha in my local classifieds which is where I get that price point, though it really take hunting for deals. That flute in question had keys that looked like they were bent backwards. It really looked like my old shoddy Armstrong flute.
I almost considered picking up a Yamaha 481 which someone was selling for only $500 on craigslist, but it was way out in San Diego and although enticing who knew the condition it could have been in. That $50 one was supposed to be playable... and dear me no it was not.
Re: More info re Gemeinhardt M3
02:28 on Thursday, December 15, 2005
I sell used Yamaha flutes for a good deal, maybe your were thinking of me?
I don`t do it as a business, I only do it for fun and to help people that may be on a tight budget get a good deal. IMHO, Nancy I am sure is very skilled, but I think that her prices are a bit high.
There is also a person that sells on used that charges ridiculous prices. I won`t mention his/her name out of courtesy. I can`t imagine he/she sells a whole lot of flutes as this person is always re-listing their flutes. On top of that he/she doesn`t half the time have a clue what he/she is selling if you read this persons ads. Shipping prices are gouged also.
Here is the deal with the whole Gemeinhardt - Yamaha issue in my opinion. The reason the resale value isn`t as good on a Yamaha as it may be on a Gemeinhardt is because Yamaha flutes are so jacked up in price that when they sell used that is more on the lines of how much you one should almost pay new.
Gemeinhardt sells flutes at a very reasonable price so you can get one new for almost the price of a used Yamaha.
But is the quality as good as a Gemeinhardt? Sorry, I think not.
Re: More info re Gemeinhardt M3
02:31 on Thursday, December 15, 2005
But is the quality as good as a Gemeinhardt? Sorry, I think not.
Sorry, I worded that last statement wrong. I meant to say:
But, is the quaility as good ON a Gemeinahrdt? Sorry, I think not.
Re: More info re Gemeinhardt M3
12:51 on Thursday, December 15, 2005
Sorry, I just can`t agree, Yamaha flutes sell the best and for the highest price. I sell flutes, so this is how I know this.
Re: More info re Gemeinhardt M3
12:54 on Thursday, December 15, 2005
Re: More info re Gemeinhardt M3
14:45 on Thursday, December 15, 2005
I would expect no less from you should someone come here and speak of the Powell`s shoddy workmanship.
The Gemeinhardst 3SB is the best student flute money can by IMHO. It isn`t the best intermediate or professional, but the best bang for the buck for someone looking for an under $1000 new flute.
I do recommend others depending on price ranges most of the time and if one is looking at used flutes.
Re: More info re Gemeinhardt M3
15:08 on Thursday, December 15, 2005
"I would expect no less from you should someone come here and speak of the Powell`s shoddy workmanship"
Yes, it is a good thing that no one does. Gemeinhardt seems to take the brunt of it. 
Re: More info re Gemeinhardt M3
17:09 on Thursday, December 15, 2005
It has been a while though. I guess it was about time for more Gemeinhardt bashing.
I like this quote:
Contempt is the weapon of the weak and a defense against one`s own despised and
unwanted feelings.
-Alice Duer Miller
22:20 on Thursday, December 15, 2005
(Jillian Goodrich)
Gemienhadt is okay, but pearl is the best.