Has anyone seen a military band or want to see one?

Has anyone seen a military band or want to see one?    13:08 on Monday, January 16, 2006          

(100 points)
Posted by AnneMarii

Has anyone seen one? I saw the The Air Force Chamber Orchestra play yesterday under the direction of Col. Dennis Layendecker!! It was so neat!!

A famous cellist, Erin Eyles Espinoza, amongst all of the other famous ones in the Air Force Chamber Orchestra. It was also mentioned that there is going to be a Navy band concert at the same place this Saturday!! Also, it was also mentioned that Erin`s father was a famous percussionist.

Re: Has anyone seen a military band or want to see one?    14:29 on Monday, January 16, 2006          

(333 points)
Posted by kippsix

My cousin is in THE United States Army Band (Pershing`s Own). Pretty cool.

When I was in the 6th grade I saw a military band concert, I was SO impressed.

Re: Has anyone seen a military band or want to see one?    16:50 on Monday, January 16, 2006          

(115 points)
Posted by Leprachaun

Yeah I saw the Irish Military Band play. They are soo amazing. It is because of the discipline that they are so good, I wish I could play dor one!

Re: Has anyone seen a military band or want to see one?    18:42 on Monday, January 16, 2006          

(109 points)
Posted by ninafire

I saw the Marine band last year. They sounded amazing, even in a high school gymnasium.

Re: Has anyone seen a military band or want to see one?    18:59 on Monday, January 16, 2006          

(457 points)
Posted by Steve

I see one just about every day...
uh.. maybe that`s because I am in one

Re: Has anyone seen a military band or want to see one?    19:54 on Monday, January 16, 2006          

(100 points)
Posted by AnneMarii

"My cousin is in THE United States Army Band (Pershing`s Own). Pretty cool."

Really? Neat I know someone who was in the Army band...

"uh.. maybe that`s because I am in one"

Which one?

The Air Force one I heard was pretty amazing...and it was in a high school auditorium.

The Navy Band is playing on Saturday (this coming up) at 7:30 PM. If you live near Washington D.C. or thereabouts, I can let you know where it is!!

Re: Has anyone seen a military band or want to see one?    20:27 on Monday, January 16, 2006          

(457 points)
Posted by Steve

I play with the US Navy Atlantic Fleet Band in Norfolk, VA.
i have seen the DC band play.. very impressive indeed.

Re: Has anyone seen a military band or want to see one?    09:57 on Tuesday, January 17, 2006          

(100 points)
Posted by AnneMarii


I saw the Air Force Band in Alexandria. I am seeing the Navy Band on Saturday in Alexandria. :-)


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