Vicious Flute Section
16:40 on Monday, June 16, 2003
I`m a boy flute player in my band, and I`ve noticed something very disturbing. I am the only male flute player in the entire band (thats not the disturbing thing) what is is that in my concert band, one paticular girl draws harrasment from the rest of the flute section. One night, as we were warming up in the axuy gym, all hell broke loose. The previous night, before the preformance, the other girls had stolen this one girls piccillo and hid it. Her mother found out and was not happy (personally owned- 300$), and bitched out the girls that had did it that night. So in the auxy gym, the girl being victimised was approached by the others and was sassed out about her mother. They actually drove her into tears and she had to leave the room for a few minutes. I left my arc and crossed that 100 feet of gym floor in five seconds and really gave it to those jerks. It took two drum majiors to pull me away from that group. This kind of things been going on ALL YEAR, and I`m trying to figure out a way to stop it or hinder it next year. I just don`t know what to do....
Re: Vicious Flute Section
17:46 on Monday, June 16, 2003
thats so mean what they did to that girl!
i hope it stops
Re: Vicious Flute Section
18:15 on Monday, June 16, 2003
Re: Vicious Flute Section
19:52 on Tuesday, June 17, 2003
the band director should be told personally my band director along with the rest of the fluteline and band would not stand for that and the girls would not be talking to anyone in band u should or she or both should go to the director and explain what is happening what if the pic. had been stolen broken or not found that is just wrong and should not be happening in our band we are taught our 1st year we are a family and act like a family and everyone does it u may not like someone but u are still nice to them those gurls should be kicked out of band !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!grrr that makes me mad
Re: Vicious Flute Section
19:53 on Tuesday, June 17, 2003
srry guys in typing fast and in being mad i forgot all punct. srry if its hard to read
Re: Vicious Flute Section
11:54 on Thursday, June 19, 2003
Well, theres always the legal approach. For example, stealing a piccolo would be considered theft, possibly larceny. I`m not they should actually be charged, but it might scare them straight. Also, get word out to the administration.
Re: Vicious Flute Section
19:47 on Monday, August 4, 2003
in my sisters band there was a bunch of people just like that, after a while he kicked tyhem out of band. u should tell the teacher about it and maybe he could kick them out too, or if thats too drastic maybe punish them a bit more or sumthing. Keep sticking up for the people they harras thats sooo cool thast u dfid that most people at my school would sit and do noting while people got harshly made fun of. i wish more people like u were at my school, its a place ful of harassment