Would you kindly recommend a good book or series of books for beginers? I bid on a flute from eBay and forgot about it and then ordered a new one and they've both come in now and I find that I'm unsure even how to hold them. Someone here pointed out a fife and book that I think I may buy as a stepping stone on my way to learning the flute. I've been blowing myself dizy today with just the head joint looking for that angle that gives a nice tone. I've decided that playing the flute is much harder than playing the CD of a flute :P
Thanks much!
Re: begining method books 18:45 on Monday, September 25, 2006
Well it depends on the age of the beginner. For pretty much any age, the Rubank series does a great job. I started with them, and a couple other books (essential elements, and another I can't remember at the moment), and the Rubanks were by far the better books. For a more adult beginner, the Trevor Wye books are excellent, but may be a bit boring and informative for younger beginners.
Re: begining method books 05:35 on Tuesday, September 26, 2006
My unique experience is with Trevor Wye's series and later with Altes. They are fine and although I have a teacher, they could probably be used for self learning also.