2 questions...
2 questions...
22:24 on Saturday, November 11, 2006
xxmarchingbandfr eekxx
Posted by xxmarchingbandfreekxx
Ok, I don't mean to sound nieve, but what are the 24 major scales... i know 12... bflat b c dflat d eflat e f gflat g aflat a
Also, for those of you who have a professional flute: is it a waste of money?I was thinking about buying one, but i heard itis similar to the piccolo, which i already have...
Thanks for your replies... i REALLY appreciate them...they halp a lot
Re: 2 questions...
23:08 on Saturday, November 11, 2006
Flutist06 (1545 points)
There are not 24 major scales. The major scales are C (no flats or sharps), G (1 sharp), D (2 sharps), A (3 sharps), E (4 sharps), B (5 sharps), F# (6 sharps), C# (7 sharps), F (1 flat), Bb (2 flats), Eb (3 flats), Ab (4 flats), Db (5 flats), Gb (6 flats), and Cb (7 flats). The Cb and B major scales and the F# and Gb major scales have only a theoretical difference, so you could even eliminate one from each set, as the Cb and B major scales sound the same and use the same fingerings, as do the F# and Gb scales. They are simply different ways of writing the same thing (one using flats and the other sharps.
As for the pro flute, I'm not sure in what way you mean it's similar to a piccolo. Obviously it's not an octave above C flute, as it is a C flute. There's no way to tell how useful it would be for you. To me, there's an obvious difference between my pro flute and my intermediate (but also a large price gap). However, if you're not to the level that you actually need a pro flute, there may be absolutely no difference other than price. That's to say that if you don't notice the need for a different flute, but just think you'll get one anyway, then I would call that a waste of money. A better flute does not make for a better player, but an excellent player can play well on most instruments (though not necessarily to their full potential if the instrument is of mediocre quality and doesn't match them terribly well). A true pro flute starts around the 5k or 6k mark new, and only goes up (to somewhere around 65K), so it's no small investment. Think about whether you notice your flute holding you back at all. If you feel the response is slow, or dislike the mechanism (assuming it has been maintained recently), or the headjoint doesn't feel right, or sanything else, that may be a sign that a different flute (but not necessarily a pro flute) could suit you better. Then consider the price difference between what you're playing now. Does one flute play a few thousand dollars better than what you're on now? Whether it's a waste of money is really something you'll have to decide for yourself. If you find that you like the body okay (the scale's decent, and the mech feels good), then perhaps a new headjoint is in order to help improve your sound. Keep all of this in mind, and if you decide to buy anything, make sure to play as many products as possible from as many sources as possible, and then pick what you like best within your price frame.
Re: 2 questions...
23:10 on Saturday, November 11, 2006
Re: 2 questions...
09:56 on Sunday, November 12, 2006
Penny (218 points)
If you have Finale Notepad, you can write in the C Major Scale and then change the key signature. It'll give you the scale for that key signature.
If you don't already have it, Click Here
Re: 2 questions...
11:26 on Sunday, November 12, 2006
Re: 2 questions...
12:40 on Sunday, November 12, 2006
Re: 2 questions...
12:41 on Sunday, November 12, 2006
xxmarchingbandfr eekxx
Posted by xxmarchingbandfreekxx
Well, for Virginia, we had to have all of the scales memorized, although 2 octaves was extra credit...
Re: 2 questions...
13:18 on Sunday, November 12, 2006
Flutist06 (1545 points)
Penny, the qualifications are not standard. In California, we don't even have a region band. We have all State, and All Southern bands (and I believe All Northern, but I was never eligible for that, so I'm not sure), each of which has it's own requirements. They choose 5 scales (2 major, 2 minor, and chromatic), and each year the scales you must perform change. Then the piece, which is from a designated list, but also changes each year. The Chaminade, Mozart's concerto in G, and the Faure Fantasie are all on the list.
Re: 2 questions...
17:18 on Sunday, November 12, 2006
Re: 2 questions...
09:08 on Monday, November 13, 2006
Re: 2 questions...
13:40 on Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Tibbiecow (480 points)
I'm sorry, I should have been a little more clear.
Traditionally, music has been written in a certain key, such as C major, A minor (both no flats or sharps), or maybe Bb major/G minor, both with 2 flats. Many of the 'Classic' study books have 24 etudes, each in one of 24 specific keys, and very often will have a 2-octave scale to practice before tackling the etude (or it is assumed that your teacher will assign that scale along with the etude). So, essentially what I was asking was whether you can respond correctly if an examiner asks for a 2 octave scale in any given key. You could make up 24 flash cards with the key on one side and the scale on the other, and learn them this way. Of course, some of the scales will be duplicates, as some others have been good enough to point out. Also, the minor scales could be played in one of two (melodic or harmonic) styles, and you should know both of these as well.
Arpeggios are also a great thing to be 'fluent' in, and also can be played in many forms.
I am delighted at your response to try to learn these things, at your age I was pretty clueless about all of this. Remember that you don't have to learn everything by next week, and enjoy your playing.
Re: 2 questions...
19:06 on Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Re: 2 questions...
22:21 on Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Re: 2 questions...
15:13 on Wednesday, November 15, 2006