Please - again listen to another new score, now the flute is back!

Please - again listen to another new score, now the flute is back!    07:22 on Thursday, January 11, 2007          

(95 points)
Posted by Jonte

Iīm in a very productive fase now. Hope you like this one to.

Re: Please - again listen to another new score, now the flute is back!    08:07 on Thursday, January 11, 2007          

(2369 points)
Posted by jose_luis

Jonte, that was enormously beautiful! I like your style of music, I really enjoy it.

For the flute, I believe it's you playing on direct (I think I hear you breathing, but very faintly, not a problem at all) I would like to know:

- What instrument (flute) is it?
- what microphone are you using?
- What recording SW are you using for the mixing (I think you already told us this, but it could be useful to have everything together here)

Congratulations again.

Re: Please - again listen to another new score, now the flute is back!    09:00 on Thursday, January 11, 2007          

(95 points)
Posted by Jonte

Thanks jose_luis! The flute is a brand new Trevor James Master Series 1
The mike is a ADK 51, and the SW is Ableton Live 6.0.

Re: Please - again listen to another new score, now the flute is back!    10:34 on Thursday, January 11, 2007          

(2369 points)
Posted by jose_luis

I have just seen the pdf of the Fantasi in C moll and listened to the audio file on your profile (the version with Flute).

They do not seem to be the same to me, the flute part is closely related, but different. Is it true or my ears are playing me a trick?

The piano accompaniment also seems to differ in the final measures, but I am not very good in following a piano score in real time and moreover, I cannot play it.

Also, do you still have the first version of this Fantasi that you had posted initially in this Forum? Is still posted somewhere? I cannot find the link in your older posts

Re: Please - again listen to another new score, now the flute is back!    11:16 on Thursday, January 11, 2007          

(95 points)
Posted by Jonte

Hi, the original flute part was improvised. I didnīt have the patiens to get i down exactly in the pdf-score.

The piano part is the same in both versions, perhaps its the rubato at the end thats confusing.

Re: Please - again listen to another new score, now the flute is back!    11:25 on Thursday, January 11, 2007          

(95 points)
Posted by Jonte

I use a compressor on the recording, thats why the breaths and the "wind" noise is a bit louder then it actually is.

Re: Please - again listen to another new score, now the flute is back!    12:35 on Thursday, January 11, 2007          

(2369 points)
Posted by jose_luis

Nice equipment you have!

The ADK 51 condenser micro is one of my dreams. It can be found at about 150$ in USA.
Ableton 6 live is about 500$ though it is offered in Ebay at about 300$, but no guarantees...

I have to live with free SW Audacity for the moment.. and still have to get a good mike.

Re: Please - again listen to another new score, now the flute is back!    14:10 on Thursday, January 11, 2007          

(95 points)
Posted by Jonte

The SW is not so important. The mike is and the sound card.

Re: Please - again listen to another new score, now the flute is back!    14:53 on Thursday, January 11, 2007          

(2369 points)
Posted by jose_luis

What sound card you have?

Re: Please - again listen to another new score, now the flute is back!    14:57 on Thursday, January 11, 2007          

(95 points)
Posted by Jonte

Line 6, TonePort.

Re: Please - again listen to another new score, now the flute is back!    15:48 on Thursday, January 11, 2007          

(2369 points)
Posted by jose_luis

Could it be the UX1? (See link).
It even comes with Ableton Live Lite 6.0 all for 129$. Seems too cheap...

Re: Please - again listen to another new score, now the flute is back!    23:34 on Thursday, January 11, 2007          

(95 points)
Posted by Jonte

I use UX2, it is a bit expensier but not a lot. With UX1 you canīt use 48V, which is needed when you have a condensor mike.

Re: Please - again listen to another new score, now the flute is back!    23:52 on Thursday, January 11, 2007          

Account Closed
(3248 points)
Posted by Account Closed

Jonte that is really pretty. Another good job!

Re: Please - again listen to another new score, now the flute is back!    03:21 on Friday, January 12, 2007          

(2369 points)
Posted by jose_luis

"Jose-lois, what is the name and composer of the piece you played rather beautifully. And purchase source?"

Micron, I do not understand your question. Could it be you are asking Jonte about his piece?

I have no played-posted any piece, even less, beautifully.

I have uploaded the Faure Berceuse Op 16 a few weeks ago, but it was not my flute playing, just a (good, I hope) midi-->mp3 file.

Please clarify...

Re: Please - again listen to another new score, now the flute is back!    03:34 on Friday, January 12, 2007          

(2369 points)
Posted by jose_luis

Yeah, I had not considered the DC supply for the mike. The UX2 has several additional features, as I see, like other inputs. However, I have this doubt:
It seems to me that this device family is mostly intended for guitar and bass (with an additional voice, the case arrives).

For this reason one of the main marketing assets is the availabilty of a big library of amplifiers types and loudspeaker sets.

This does not apply to flute or piano, I guess. Do you think the UX2 (or UX1) is a good choice, were I to select a device starting from zero?

(rather stupid question, as you are using it, but I cannot find a better way to ask this question, sorry..)


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