Also, There is a trick fingering for the high Bb-C-Bb triplets. Play a High B with the Bb thumb, and the RH2 (this makes an alternate Bb3)...then trill to C by lifting the have to push it out if you are using the Eb key..but if you use the gizmo instead for that whole section starting with the High G' comes out great! Play the whole excerpt with a pompous air...very strong, and know exactly where the beats are.
Also, in case you don't have the errata: make sure the B's in 5 after 1 are naturals. 3 before 2...with the the first D then only lift LH3 (G-ring) and the A should pop out fine. The two measures after that...make sure you play 16ths and not trill. I hope this helps!
Re: Petroushka Excerpt 23:16 on Thursday, May 3, 2007
LOL I didn't realize it was you know everything I just said...hahahaha! Just work with a metronome...all the 5's are in 2/ work on getting 5 even beats in each "measure"...then work on the rhythm that is written. Same with the 7's and 8's..they are all in 3/ work on getting those even before trying the rhythm. I will be practicing tomorrow after about 2 or 3...give me a call if you want me to drop by your practice room because that's all we seem to