Flute advice for an adult beginner
Flute advice for an adult beginner
19:55 on Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Re: Flute advice for an adult beginner
19:59 on Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Re: Flute advice for an adult beginner
20:18 on Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Flutist06 (1545 points)
It's never a bad idea to play more flutes if you can. Most beginners haven't got any idea how to pick a flute that matches them out of all the flutes that don't so you're ahead on that count. I would definitely encourage to try Emersons, as well as Trevor James and any others that seem to fit your budget and needs (as well as a few more models from brands you kicked out of the running...every flute is different, and you may find that the ones you tried just weren't good for you), but I would suggest waiting until you have a teacher to make a purchase, if at all possible. One reason we have teachers is that through their years of experience, they can hear things we might miss, so perhaps you like the sound of the Yamaha and the Pearl (both of which are great flutes, by the way), but maybe there's something that one does better than the other that should put it out front, or there may even be something amiss that you couldn't catch. The prices you got on those two are excellent, though. New Yammie 221's usually sell in the 800-900 USD range, and the discounted price you get from major flute sellers is about where that Pearl usually sells.
Also, tone is dictated far more by the player than the instrument. The tone hierarchy goes thus (from most, to least important): Player, headjoint, body. What flutes we find it easiest to produce a warm tone on (or any other kind of tone, for that matter) will not necessarily be the same ones you like.
Re: Flute advice for an adult beginner
22:30 on Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Re: Flute advice for an adult beginner
06:07 on Thursday, September 20, 2007
Leporello (152 points)
As an adult beginner myself I recently bought a Pearl 525, same as the 505 but with a silver lip plate. Quality wise I don't think there's anything between it and the Yamaha (which I've also played for well over a year and a half), but the Pearl has a warmer tone.
Coincidentally I shared a lesson with a fellow student of mine yesterday, who is also planning on getting a new flute, and we compared my pearl the her rented-but-new Yamaha 211 (likethe 221 but with e-mechanism). The Pearl had a nicer tone, whichever one of us played it, well centered and full. She is also considering an Azumi btw, in Europe you can get a model with silver lip-plate only, which puts it in the same price range.
incidentally, at the end of this link you'll find a bit of a review I did for my Pearl.
Fantastic price for that Yamaha though.
Re: Flute advice for an adult beginner
12:47 on Thursday, September 20, 2007
Plekto (423 points)
For the money, used, Gemeinhardt makes the best flutes for the beginner. Why? Because with the exception of the very topmost model, most pros don't like them/use them. So they suffer very harsh depreciation.
Bad for the original purchaser, but good for you.
Here's a typical example:
Ebay Item number: 320159721156
I don't endorse this specific flute, but it is a typical example. $600-$700 is usually what this sells for. It's not a bad flute, actually. All silver, decent headjoint. And very common to find for sale used.
Most students would be hard pressed to exceed its capabilities until they reached a solid advanced intermediate level. I've seen people in college using flutes like this as well, since skill and technique are easily 75% of the equation.(and many students as a rule aren't blessed with $3K to spend on a professional flute, either)
Shoot, I managed to get through high school and audition for several spots in a few orchestras/college classes with a Gemeinhardt 3 series(basically the above without the fancy options/gold plating or open holes), so it's more than adequate for a beginner.
Oh - I personally like Yamaha more(upgraded to one in college - but it was $1600 back then - about $2800 now), but it's literally 6 of one, half dozen of the other at this level.
Re: Flute advice for an adult beginner
13:11 on Thursday, September 20, 2007
Re: Flute advice for an adult beginner
14:20 on Thursday, September 20, 2007
Flutist06 (1545 points)
I have to disagree with you on several points, Plekto. First of all, the assertion that Gemmies are the best flute for beginners. Aside from the fact that there is no "best" flute at any level (as we've discussed innumerable times before), most Gemmies have a boxy mechanism and a headjoint cut that makes switching brands later (as well as dynamics and tonal changes) more difficult. If you're looking at instruments from a purely financial standpoint, Gemmies certainly can be found cheap, but considering that there's a good bit more to buying an instrument than price, it hardly makes sense to claim Gemeinhardts as the best, IMO. I also have difficulty in finding the logic behind the claim that Gemmies are good for beginners because pros don't like them. First of all, pros come at all levels of musicianship and cover all styles of playing....If you're making money, you're a pro. Even at the beginner level, it's best for a student to have the best flute they can comfortably afford, so why not get something that a pro wouldn't mind using if all else is equal? Most pros wouldn't touch a Venus or Cibaili flute (unless they wanted a lamp), but that doesn't mean that they're good for beginners. I also disagree with the idea of a beginner having a flute with a Split E. It's my philosophy that one should learn to play without all the fancy add-ons (and let's face it...Any flute of decent quality and in good repair can be made to play an E3 without a Split E if the player is willing to work for it), and when upgrading, if the student so desires, they can purchase whatever options they want. In this way the Split E becomes a helpful tool rather than a crutch.
Re: Flute advice for an adult beginner
17:20 on Thursday, September 20, 2007
Re: Flute advice for an adult beginner
19:43 on Thursday, September 20, 2007
Re: Flute advice for an adult beginner
20:16 on Thursday, September 20, 2007
Flutist06 (1545 points)
when we are talking used, they represent the best value for the dollar. |
Not necessarily. You may be able to get more options or silver in them for the same price as a different brand, but if the flute doesn't suit the player, no matter how cheap the flute, it's not really that great of a deal. As I mentioned above, there is far more to consider when buying a flute than cost alone.
Gemeinhardt angst and hate that seems to fairly ooze anytime someone mentions the name here aside, their "pro" models are pretty good student choices IME. If you want a basic flute that gets the job done and can handle beginning and intermediate tasks for a rock bottom price... a used Gemeinhardt should be on the list. |
How high on the list will depend on age, though. Modern Gemmies are okay, but older (perhaps as recently as 15 years or so) student models were sub-par (IMO), and I would not encourage anyone to play such a flute. In any case, you shouldn't have to shell out $1500 (a pretty good deal for a "pro" Gemeinhardt) for a student level flute. This seems to conflict with the idea that they give the most bang for the buck.
<Added>To Sep, that sounds like an excellent plan, and I hope you have a good time with that rental flute until you manage to buy one. Pretty much any teacher (even at the student level) should be willing to help you find a good flute for your needs, so don't be at all concerned about asking. At the worst, you'll get the same advice we've given here. Good luck with your playing, and be sure to stop in now and again to let us know how it's going!
Re: Flute advice for an adult beginner
11:11 on Saturday, September 22, 2007
Re: Flute advice for an adult beginner
18:40 on Monday, September 24, 2007