Re: a few questions...
19:59 on Thursday, January 1, 2009
 Account Closed (3248 points)
Firstly, is it solid silver? You can buy a treated polishing cloth and use it sparingly. I don't like to use them because they contain a powder in them that can get into the mechanism. That is why I say use it sparingly. Also, if you want to wipe it down, be VERY careful. Do not get it anywhere near the pads. I did get a treated microfiber polishing cloth from the Burkart company that works great and it does not contain powder in it. They most likely sell them also at Flute World or Carolyn Nussbaum.
Was your flute on a flute stand or a music stand when it was knocked over? I only ask because you should NEVER rest your flute on a music stand.
You can have any reputable flute repair tech service your Muramatsu. Same with any brand. Putting it in for a service once a year is a good idea to keep your flute in optimal performance and condition. If the flute is solid silver the scratches can be buffed out. And no, if they are just light scratches this is not going to effect the sound by having them lightly buffed out. I do however believe that Muramatsu as well as Yamaha plate a silver plating over their solid silver flutes. So if it is buffed it will take that silver plating coat off and show a darker color underneath. I had a Muramatsu DN which was solid silver that I sold a few years ago and when I went to buff out a couple of scratches, this is what happened. So, you may just want to leave the scratches on there or else call Muramatsu directly and ask them about it. Muramatsu America may try and tell you that you need to send it to them to have it serviced. This is not the case, they just want to make money and over charge in the process.
Hope that helps 
Re: a few questions...
21:02 on Thursday, January 1, 2009
Re: a few questions...
21:08 on Thursday, January 1, 2009
Re: a few questions...
21:45 on Thursday, January 1, 2009
Re: a few questions...
11:50 on Friday, January 2, 2009
Re: a few questions...
15:15 on Friday, January 2, 2009