Re: Upgrade Headjoint for Yamaha flute

Re: Upgrade Headjoint for Yamaha flute    02:05 on Friday, January 23, 2009          

(92 points)
Posted by mormika

It ISN'T OVER $1000 not just $1000 :DDDD that's what you should've said haha. :D

Re: Upgrade Headjoint for Yamaha flute    14:50 on Sunday, January 25, 2009          

Account Closed
(3248 points)
Posted by Account Closed

I would pass on them. They are not the best that Miyazawa makes. You can get much better as they have improved since. I had an older headjoint by Miyazawa that I really liked, but they are hit and miss. You just need to try them and find out.

Re: Upgrade Headjoint for Yamaha flute    18:21 on Sunday, January 25, 2009          

(257 points)
Posted by musicman_944

I don't know about the first one, but the second headjoint says it has a .45 wall, so that's got to be the ingot cut !!!!

Re: Upgrade Headjoint for Yamaha flute    00:42 on Sunday, March 22, 2009          

Account Closed
(3248 points)
Posted by Account Closed

No, the PH6 and Vivo are not the same headjoint.
I agree with Kaflute on the lip plate.
The Guo is different. You would want to try that out first before making any kind of decision. The one on ebay is actually priced a bit higter than what I was quoted for a new one. I don't think that these headjoint would be much of an upgrade from your Yamaha head at this point. Maybe different but not necessary better. Pearl does make some nice headjoints, but the PH6 is put on there lower end model flutes and not a favorite of mine.

Re: Upgrade Headjoint for Yamaha flute    14:41 on Sunday, March 22, 2009          

Account Closed
(491 points)
Posted by Account Closed

ive tried the Guo flutes. They feel kind of cheap, but are actually a very affordable wood alternate. the PH6 is not a very good headjoint in my opinion. They seem to have the hole punched out by a machine. Not very consistent. If you are looking to purchase a headjoint, save up your money and buy the Powell you like. REMEMBER: Powell flutes are made in Boston. They don't typically have the name of the cut on the tube. Flute World has a HUGE selection of Powell headjoints (I know, I tried them ALL out 2 weeks ago. 4 hours straight of headjoints) and have an easy trial process. It may help shed some light on which cut you like best. Personally, I prefer the Venti cut.
Also, I have to disagree on the material argument and cut stuff.
headjoint - 30% cut, 25% riser, 25% tube, 0% embrochure
flute - 20% tube, 0% keys.
Funny how everyone disagrees with this. Just my two cents

Re: Upgrade Headjoint for Yamaha flute    16:37 on Sunday, March 22, 2009          

Account Closed
(3248 points)
Posted by Account Closed

I have tried the Guo headjoints before I wasn't all that impressed. That is certainly something you are going to have to try out for yourself and make your own opinion on though.

I agree with Mbrown. The best bet is to try out several handmade headjoints. I also like the Venti cut by Powell. Nagahara and Arista are also very popular brands currently to consider.

Re: Upgrade Headjoint for Yamaha flute    12:33 on Wednesday, March 25, 2009          

(1 point)
Posted by bushmann

I was looking up Mara Gooseman's website and ran across this intersting forum. Several years ago I puchased a beautiful Gooseman HJ for my Haynes Flute. I heard someone else playing with a Gooseman and it was impressive! Mara was very helpful on the phone and offered to send me four HJs to choose from. They were made by her husband; two were regular and two were butterflies -- all with slight variations. I kept one of the butterfies and returned the others, fully insured. Since then, in addition to the Gooseman, I've learned other ways to get a better tone -- something worth considering. I'll be happy to explain more if anyone's interested.


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