This was my first flute (an Armstrong 104N), which I got as a rental and kept long enough to pay off. I'm confident that I paid far more for it than it's worth, but I consider that a lesson learned.
Does anybody have experience with this particular model? How does it compare to the current "student" flutes like Yamaha's 200 series or Pearl's Quantz 505 series?
I ask because I'm on the lookout for a new flute but from what I've been reading it seems like I can get a low end flute and then later on just upgrade the head joint for better sound when I get better. My wants/needs are, in no particular order:
1) I hate the nickel plating. It might look shiny, but it's so slippery.
2) I'd like a B foot because I think practicing low B will help with my low C.
3) I'd like open hole for no other reason than I like the look better.

4) Offset G is much more comfortable, but all of the "student" flutes seem to offer both inline and offset G. So I've got a choice all the way down to the bottom of the barrel.
4) I'd be thrilled to keep the cost below $1,000US. This handles both the Yamaha and Pearl models mentioned above, but other brand suggestions are welcome.
So I guess I have three questions:
1) How would you rate my current Armstrong in terms of quality? For the lower end flutes, that is. I'm pretty sure that any Muramatsu or Powell blows it out of the water.
2) What would be a good brand/model that offers a reasonably significant improvement with my desired options?
3) And of course, did I miss anything in my analysis?