Gemeinhardt 3SB Flute... Need info on
Gemeinhardt 3SB Flute... Need info on
01:06 on Friday, January 23, 2009
 Aliceandra (2 points)
I own a Custom Gemeinhardt 3SB Flute, with an inline g, solid silver, b-foot, gold plated mouth piece. I've had it since 7th grade and now am in 10th grade. It's been a really good flute. I have never been out of tune when out teacher checks, hardly ever has any problems a few pads have been replaced and it's easy to play. I was first chair in 8th grade and since my high school is small and I am the only 10th grade flute player, I will be first chair for my Junior and Senior year. I don't know much about flutes and the best type, etc. I got it for a really good price, ($400) at a local second hand store... I never thought much about my flute until we had a essay for band about our type of instrument. I'm now wondering in my flute is a good one, a general price range for a flute like mine, if it's a good flute because I'm planning to do something in college with music/play in the band, and any other info you want or can give me... I already wrote my essay it's jsut for my personal info...
Re: Gemeinhardt 3SB Flute... Need info on
01:53 on Friday, January 23, 2009
Re: Gemeinhardt 3SB Flute... Need info on
10:39 on Friday, January 23, 2009
Re: Gemeinhardt 3SB Flute... Need info on
23:55 on Sunday, January 25, 2009
Re: Gemeinhardt 3SB Flute... Need info on
22:28 on Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Re: Gemeinhardt 3SB Flute... Need info on
12:56 on Wednesday, January 28, 2009
 Plekto (423 points)
Gemeinhardt suffers from an all too typical problem in that their designs are decades old. Now, they aren't bad, or weren't twenty or thirty years ago, but everyone else has moved on.
They're harder to play and less flexible. the mechanisms also are kind of kludgy. Now, it is a serviceable flute, and will work just fine. but if you are going into anything in college that uses it, you'll quickly run into a wall with it. Also, the flutes last about 6-10 years before they are in serious need of major repairs. My old original Gemeinhardt, which I keep for sentimental reasons (worth almost nothing and also was my first instrument) I can play for exactly ten minutes without having to readjust the screws. It's way beyond worn out.
My fifteen year old Yamaha still works by comparison, though it has had a few parts worked on.
The real questions is what's your potential budget for a flute? Used doesn't seem to be a problem, thankfully, which is good - let someone else eat the depreciation. Also, what kind of playing do you plan to do? After all, solo work is different than orchestral playing.
Re: Gemeinhardt 3SB Flute... Need info on
18:07 on Wednesday, January 28, 2009