RetrainiIng your emboucher
RetrainiIng your emboucher
07:17 on Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Re: Retraining your emboucher
07:46 on Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Re: RetrainiIng your emboucher
07:54 on Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Bilbo (1340 points)
Hi Beca,
Some comments about your issues.
First, Embouchure is a life-long process. It can be very confusing with all of the information and teaching methods out there. Now, from your educational process. You have moved on from your first teacher so I'd not blame them for a problem that you've run into. Sometimes this has to do with your receptivity to the information or method. Sometimes it may be the teacher's fault but I'd simply move on....just like playing a piece of music. look forward in your education.
The other constant problem in your learning process is that you have been trained to work for deadlines. This started with the first homework assignments and tests. Now you face a physical, mental learning process that you want to get right BUT that will have deadlines involved. Music majors have tests also. The problem is still that you have to assimilate the knowledge and be able to use it in a physical sense. This can take much time, practice and dedication. You want the right embouchure but the profs. want you to spew your scales. So you will be always making choices between getting the new concepts and refining the old. I'm still retraining and rethinking after 40+ years of trying to learn the flute. In this respect pretty much everything that I learned when I was in public school is done differently and yes, sometimes, I do revert to the old ways. The difference now since university is that I can spend as long as I want on a learning task. Such as reworking my embouchure or working on my double tonguing.
The answer, focus on your sound. Pay attention to what you produce in the sound of your music, study the best way to modify your playing to produce the best improvement. Lately for example, I'm working on my high E3s in ppp, with good tone and articulation. I want to be able to play the 24 Bach studies SMC #5 and #6 musically in tune with a quiet, concise tone. This gives me an outstanding workout for my embouchure tongue and fingers daily.
Re: RetrainiIng your emboucher
14:27 on Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Re: RetrainiIng your emboucher
18:10 on Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Re: RetrainiIng your emboucher
18:59 on Sunday, February 1, 2009