Video of me play testing a flute
20:41 on Tuesday, April 21, 2009
 Account Closed (3248 points)
Hi all!
I just uploaded a quick video of me play testing a Miyazawa 402 on my home page. As many of you know I was forced to sell my beloved Powell due to hand problems.
I know it it poor sound quality, but if you could give me your quick opinion on how you think this flute sounds I would appreciate it. I am really loving this Miyazawa 
I am waiting for another Miyazawa to come in which is the 602 (Britannia silver) and an Altus 1107 and then I will make my final decision. I was super surprised to find out that I have I have no scale problems on this flute like I did when play testing it four years ago. Oh, and by the way, I am using my Nagahara headjoint on this flute in the recording. I plan on keeping my headjoint and matching it with a flute body. Thanks! <Added>Who ever just posted a comment under my video on my page, I can't read it :(
Re: Video of me play testing a flute
11:20 on Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Re: Video of me play testing a flute
13:00 on Wednesday, April 22, 2009
 Account Closed (3248 points)
Thanks  I wish I could read my comments but like you said there is something wrong with it.
I made the image that way on purpose. I am a bit camera shy.
Re: Video of me play testing a flute
20:07 on Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Re: Video of me play testing a flute
21:32 on Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Re: Video of me play testing a flute
00:40 on Thursday, April 23, 2009
Re: Video of me play testing a flute
11:00 on Thursday, April 23, 2009
Re: Video of me play testing a flute
13:25 on Thursday, April 23, 2009
Re: Video of me play testing a flute
14:06 on Thursday, April 23, 2009
Re: Video of me play testing a flute
17:36 on Thursday, April 23, 2009
 adamrussell (66 points)
hey kara very nice indeed as for the weight of the keys i wouldent think that sterling silver compared to base metal would be all that different
personaly i would much prefer sterling silver fittings the reason being if thay get damaged thay are so much easier to fix than plated same as general wear its relatively easy to repair sterling compared to base metal that has a tendancy to crack
all so some may not agree with me but i believe that the sound is more pure on keys in silver when the body is allso silver as the metal resonates as one all metals resonate to a certain extent now when different metals are combined with completely different crystal structures its no longer a even amount throughout the flute its a bit hard to explain without giveing you a crash course in metalurgy
easiest way to explain its like a piece of paper and a piece of cardboard in the wind the paper will ripple and move freely and the card board will be quite stiff and ridged when the two pieces are combined the amount ove movement in the two is not even but when two pieces of the same are combined the movement is even between the two
now even tho this is on a molecular level with a flute it would have to have some impact on the pureity of sound temperature can all so play apart in it to as different metals expand and contract at different rates so a flute made completely of the same metal will react as one i hope this helps and good luck with your choice now you may just have to try one of my handmade head joints for your new flute 
Re: Video of me play testing a flute
17:48 on Thursday, April 23, 2009
Re: Video of me play testing a flute
17:56 on Thursday, April 23, 2009
Re: Video of me play testing a flute
18:11 on Thursday, April 23, 2009
Re: Video of me play testing a flute
18:14 on Thursday, April 23, 2009
Re: Video of me play testing a flute
18:54 on Thursday, April 23, 2009