Re: Video of me play testing a flute
19:10 on Thursday, April 23, 2009
Re: Video of me play testing a flute
20:18 on Thursday, April 23, 2009
Re: Video of me play testing a flute
20:31 on Thursday, April 23, 2009
Re: Video of me play testing a flute
22:57 on Saturday, April 25, 2009
Re: Video of me play testing a flute
11:12 on Friday, May 8, 2009
 cynthiaflutegirl (15 points)
Posted by cynthiaflutegirl
Kara, I haven't been reading much on 8notes for a while, so I was just catching up a little today and saw your video. You sound SOOOOO great - what a gorgeous sound!! I, too, play a Miyazawa and love it. Welcome to the club!  Looking forward to many more videos from you.
Re: Video of me play testing a flute
02:35 on Thursday, May 14, 2009
Re: Video of me play testing a flute
10:03 on Sunday, May 17, 2009
Re: Video of me play testing a flute
10:06 on Sunday, May 17, 2009
Re: Video of me play testing a flute
11:17 on Sunday, May 17, 2009
Re: Video of me play testing a flute
11:56 on Sunday, May 17, 2009
 Pyrioni (437 points)
Since you keep go around mentioned it...I repeat my post....
Kara, I don't know why we come to this....!! We were good friends on youtube until I posted a long post praising my Yamaha 211! You then just jump on me with your friends.
Your friend Suzie sent me a private message first, I explained to her on everything...and added:
"I knew Kara for a long time, she was my youtube video viewer and commenter for many years. She has good tones although without good skills."
And then I sent a copy to you on your youtube message. I did not going behind your back to say bad things about you, I copied the message to you! And I only sent it to Suzie! no body else, why you again falsely accuse me that I am sending messageSSSS to your friends behind your back saying bad things left and right??!!
You have been critisizing me on youtube and on this forum on my playing, I don't mind, but why can't I critisize you in return? I actually mentioned your tones are good, commented to your video 100% positive, and messaged you several times to praise you. Why can't I say what I feel about your cracking notes, uneven passage notes, and sometimes your C is +40% sharp?
I am not perfect, I am still a student, and you are not perfect but with a very good tone. Let's critisize each other and improve...instead of going mad at me!! Did I ever go mad at you when you critisized my playing many times before?
If I offended you and made you feel unhappy with my private message. I am sorry. Let's be cool. No need to bring it to the forum.
Re: Video of me play testing a flute
12:44 on Sunday, May 17, 2009
 fluteypiccolosax (97 points)
Posted by fluteypiccolosax
"You have been critisizing me on youtube and on this forum on my playing, I don't mind, but why can't I critisize you in return? I actually mentioned your tones are good, commented to your video 100% positive, and messaged you several times to praise you. Why can't I say what I feel about your cracking notes, uneven passage notes, and sometimes your C is +40% sharp?"
Because you have NO room to criticize her wonderful playing.
and she is intune and i heard to uneven passages, so you dont know what you are talking about.
Re: Video of me play testing a flute
15:38 on Sunday, May 17, 2009
Re: Video of me play testing a flute
04:42 on Monday, May 18, 2009
Re: Video of me play testing a flute
11:59 on Monday, May 18, 2009
Re: Video of me play testing a flute
12:00 on Monday, May 18, 2009