Re: Video of me play testing a flute
01:03 on Wednesday, May 20, 2009
 angie (125 points)
Hi everyone,
I haven't posted in ages on the forum, but i read it regularly so feel like i keep in contact that way, and i still take notice of all the informative suggestions that you all make to each other
I'm with Zevang on this one Kara, I found your performances on youtube just beautiful ..... and would really love to hear some more, any derogatory comments made to you are out of context to your listed video "play testing a flute" because .... well ... erm ... you were play testing a flute !! lol
Petty remarks are only intended to upset, read Zevangs comments again, they are much more reliable
Re: Video of me play testing a flute
16:01 on Wednesday, May 20, 2009
 flute_n_bassoon (309 points)
Posted by flute_n_bassoon
hate to say it, but Pyroni does tend to have good flute skills....and poor sound.
I don't know why he said that Kara has good sound but poor flute skills, because after listening to that its clear that Kara has the whole deal.
Everyone has a right to be egotistic, but nobody has the right to make other people feel inferior.
With that, I change my view point in this whole argument...
Kara- congratulations on the new flute! Maybe one day I will save up enough money to purchase a nice Miyawaza, until then I will just drool over others'
Re: Video of me play testing a flute
00:24 on Thursday, May 21, 2009
Re: Video of me play testing a flute
15:49 on Thursday, May 21, 2009
Re: Video of me play testing a flute
10:15 on Wednesday, June 24, 2009
 sarachristine (2 points)
Beautiful tone! I love the full dark sound, but took notice of the tone as you played through the mid to upper register...this is where I typically really like to get hard on a flute for tone to see what it is made of. The gentle smooth transition I know is very much your flute skills but I like the way the flute responded.
I say good choice! I myself am back to the board flute shopping and living in loverly AZ I am going to have to do all my shopping online  where to begin?
Re: Video of me play testing a flute
12:00 on Monday, June 29, 2009
Re: Video of me play testing a flute
04:42 on Tuesday, June 30, 2009