Re: Silver plated or nickel plated ?
Re: Silver plated or nickel plated ?
09:39 on Sunday, May 17, 2009
Re: Silver plated or nickel plated ?
10:30 on Sunday, May 17, 2009
Re: Silver plated or nickel plated ?
10:53 on Sunday, May 17, 2009
Re: Silver plated or nickel plated ?
11:43 on Sunday, May 17, 2009
 Pyrioni (437 points)
Kara, I don't know why we come to this....!! We were good friends on youtube until I posted a long post praising my Yamaha 211! You then just jump on me with your friends.
Your friend Suzie sent me a private message first, I explained to her on everything...and added:
"I knew Kara for a long time, she was my youtube video viewer and commenter for many years. She has good tones although without good skills."
And then I sent a copy to you on your youtube message. I did not going behind your back to say bad things about you, I copied the message to you! And I only sent it to Suzie! no body else, why you again falsely accuse me that I am send messageSSSS to your friends behind your back saying bad things left and right??!! You want to paint a bad picture of me again?
You have been critizing me on youtube and on this forum on my playing, why can't critize you in return? I actually mentioned your tones are good, commented to your video 100% positive, and messaged you several times to praise you. Why can't I say what I feel about your cracking notes, uneven passage notes, and sometime your C is +40 sharp?
Re: Silver plated or nickel plated ?
11:44 on Sunday, May 17, 2009
Re: Silver plated or nickel plated ?
12:03 on Sunday, May 17, 2009
Re: Silver plated or nickel plated ?
12:41 on Sunday, May 17, 2009
 fluteypiccolosax (97 points)
Posted by fluteypiccolosax
pyrioni, you really need to calm down and lose the ego.
woo, you can play OK on a yamaha.
don't be such a cocky jerk
Re: Silver plated or nickel plated ?
20:34 on Sunday, May 17, 2009
Re: Silver plated or nickel plated ?
21:04 on Sunday, May 17, 2009
 Account Closed (3248 points)
Why can't I say what I feel about your cracking notes, uneven passage notes, and sometime your C is +40 sharp?
You can say it, but please keep in mind that I was play testing a brand new flute that I was not used to WITH a headjoint that was way too loose for it on top of everything. I did not put it up there for bragging rights as you do or to be criticized on my playing. I put it up there to see what people thought of the flute and for their opinions. I wrote in the title that I was play testing a flute. It wasn't my flute that I was used to. Besides, you are the only one that had said anything bad at all, the rest of my comments were all positive. Even a top notch professional that holds a position in a major symphony that posts on this forum had nothing but nice remarks. So please forgive me if I don't take a 14 year old's comments with little experience as the gospel truth. I can take criticism from a professional flutist who has a lot of experience and background to back up what they say, no problem.
You came on here for one reason. To talk and brag about yourself. You posted your videos to show off. That is not for the love of music. Where is your heart and soul and passion in your playing because I don't hear it? Vibrato? You are just a babe and are out of your element. Please take your ego else where as this is not the place for it. Without tone, emotion and heart in your playing you have nothing. You just end up being a highly trained robotic flutist.
Re: Silver plated or nickel plated ?
01:27 on Monday, May 18, 2009
Re: Silver plated or nickel plated ?
18:01 on Monday, May 18, 2009
Re: Silver plated or nickel plated ?
05:27 on Tuesday, May 19, 2009
 Pyrioni (437 points)
"bashing my flute playing on youtube only makes you look jealous and insecure."
Hey vendor, helpful friendly saleswoman, look who's feeling insecure? My videos are still there and will still be there until the day youtube shuts down. But when I brought my professional friends to analyze your perfect videos that I was so jealous of, but videos are gone.
Friendly advice: your embouchure is too tight, that makes your notes crack all the time and many low notes unclean, also it makes your left hand notes sharp. Better start loosen your embouchure now or else as Pahud always put it "you will sound like this for the rest of your life!"
Re: Silver plated or nickel plated ?
05:49 on Tuesday, May 19, 2009
 Pyrioni (437 points)
I fully accept all your every point of critiques with sincere thanks!!! Yes, I spent too much time on scales, etudes and technique trainings, trying to master my techniques before age 17 (Trevor Wye told us after age 17 our body will slow down, harder to learn good techniques, so better master all our techniques before 17), I am lacking musicality and vibratos in my playings is true. But music has to be learned in one's life time right, there is no hurry for me, after 17 I will learn all the music in a conservatory. For now I am a robo-musician.
Thank you all for your advice and critiques, it is those critiques make me improve and strong.
There is a saying in Chinese: "you can bully an old man, but never bully a poor kid, for the kid will become rich oneday"
>"I wrote some Advanced Technical Exercises (Practise Book Six, page
> 12) while on holiday, and on my return, tried them out on victims of
> different ages as under:
> Two 15/16 year olds, Then six 18 year old first year students at the
> Royal Northern College of Music, Manchester, Four Post -Graduate
> students aged between 23 -26.
> After six months daily practise, the youngest were playing these
> exercises at about twice the speed of the 26 year olds.
> Over the next 20 years, this pattern repeated itself over and over.
> Of course, there were some kids who were slower and some post grads
> who were faster, but as a general rule, it seems that you need to
> establish a technique when young, in fact before 'maturity' at the
> age of 16 or so, before the body begins the aging process. It's
> harder to acquire a good foundation after that. Not impossible.
> Harder. Athletics coaches know it well. My doctor friend told me,
> that ageing begins very slowly at about 17.
> So, the message reads, 'It's better to practise today than leave it
> until tomorrow'
> Sorry for the sermon, but I started playing at the age of almost 16,
> so I know! I can't write more. I need to do my scales.
> Trevor Wye"
Re: Silver plated or nickel plated ?
14:14 on Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Re: Silver plated or nickel plated ?
14:22 on Tuesday, May 19, 2009