Re: Silver plated or nickel plated ?
Re: Silver plated or nickel plated ?
15:03 on Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Re: Silver plated or nickel plated ?
15:05 on Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Re: Silver plated or nickel plated ?
15:06 on Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Re: Silver plated or nickel plated ?
17:47 on Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Re: Silver plated or nickel plated ?
18:22 on Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Re: Silver plated or nickel plated ?
18:46 on Tuesday, May 19, 2009
 flute_n_bassoon (309 points)
Posted by flute_n_bassoon
After reading the post, it appears that we have all been childish.
Sure, pyroni feels good about himself and needs to prove it, some people are like that, and its not good OR bad, just human instinct.
However, pointing out flaws in somebody's work over and over and over again is not polite, and the practice clearly shows the wish to aggrivate somebody.
We are all flute players, and we are all human, and we all make mistakes, but frankly, most of us on this forum are NOT children. We are not popular highschool girls who start rumors or diss one another. What we are are educated polite people who come to this forum to discuss music. And you know what? I'm sure music was not created to provide more battleground.
Oh, and Pyroni is not a "butt hole"...
can you imagine what the person being called a "butt hole" would feel like? I bet they'd feel pretty darn bad. There is no need to be immature. Frankly, Kara, I am dissapointed that you would promote that kind of behavior, if indeed that was your niece.
Pyroni obviously is devoted to his musical future, even though he still has much to learn. Don't we all?
Sometimes people brag because they want others to approve of them and thier work, because they look up to somebody. Perhaps, Kara, all Pyroni wanted was to be respected, and to gain an accomplished flute player's (like yourself) approval.
Re: Silver plated or nickel plated ?
19:24 on Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Re: Silver plated or nickel plated ?
19:37 on Tuesday, May 19, 2009
 flute_n_bassoon (309 points)
Posted by flute_n_bassoon
whoa, whoa, whoa...
I didn't mean to attack you, this obviously is a touchy subject, and I didn't think about that.
You seem to be very right in most cases, and I personally look up to you and your advice. It's cool that you have such a close relationship with your niece, I guess her comment just came across as...well, I guess I wouldn't want to be the one being called a butt-face. It just appeared that in your post, you were supporting that name-calling practice. That's the problem with the internet, things can be interpreted differently, and things can go wrong,just as my intentions in my previous post were not to attack you, but to console Pyroni.
My apologies, this obviously is not something I should stick my nose in to. <Added>also, in my previous post, when I commented on how rude it was to point out flaws over and over, I was not referencing you Kara, but Pyroni. Reading it again, I realize my post may have appeared a do I put it?...biased.
Re: Silver plated or nickel plated ?
22:07 on Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Re: Silver plated or nickel plated ?
22:56 on Tuesday, May 19, 2009
 flute_n_bassoon (309 points)
Posted by flute_n_bassoon
I too am sorry for sticking my nose too deep into this.
Lets just leave this thread behind.
Re: Silver plated or nickel plated ?
19:24 on Thursday, May 21, 2009
Re: Silver plated or nickel plated ?
19:25 on Thursday, May 21, 2009
Re: Silver plated or nickel plated ?
22:13 on Thursday, May 21, 2009
 Pyrioni (437 points)
Hi freckles, me in junior high too  ,,,,,,,,,, I was cool, now u want bring this up again for your aunt Kara, ok...
I demand justice! American always talked about freedom and justice, right? Set an example for us.
Let me list out what I have done and said (you can always go back to check all the posts, it's all there)...
(1) I said Yahama 211 is a good flute, an understimated flute, and I posted 3 videos that I played with Yamaha 211, and I said my grandma wanted to buy me a gold flute, but I prefer to still use 211 for now, and buy a good flute later.
(2) Kara immediately responded saying that I am bragging egoistic, and also she thinks I was lying.
(3) I responded saying that why do I need to brag? I am improving fast daily and I'm still young, when u saw my videos I am already improved, also I am not a liar, I do have a rich grandma and she bought me a Sankyo Artist(all silver with silver keys) 4 years ago! but I still like to use my Yamaha 211.
(4) I then post a link to 2 photos of my Sankyo Artist.
(5) Kara immediately saying how shameful I was, using/stealing other vendor's photos to pretend I own the Sankyo All Silver Flute!!!
(6) Almost at the same time Suzie posted, also saying how shameful I was, using/stealing some vendor's ebay photos to pretend I own the flute, and Suzie said she was 100% sure she has seen the exact photos before on ebay from other vendors!!
(7) THOSE ARE A VERY SERIOUS ACCUSATION!! calling me a LIAR. I responded with a link to my blog showing them my photos were taken years ago
(8) also I took an immediate video of my Sankyo Artist on my house's living room's sofa where I took the photos years ago on that same sofa:
(9) you know what? Kara and others immediately rated my videos to 1-star; and then they voted all my posts down to -7!!! so that others cannot see my posts...maybe she was embarrased at that point?
(10) But SUZIE is a good lady, she immediately sent me a private message, saying that she thought she had seen my photos elsewhere on ebay, but it apparently is a mistaken co-incidence these photos looked so similar. Although she never apologized, but Suzie toned down towarded me in her message and her other posts.
(11) I sent SUZIE a message back, explaining what's going on in this recent posts, and I added that I knew Kara a long on youtube and she commented on my videos and talked to me on youtube several times, and that Kara has good tone although not good technique, I told Suzie she can sent Kara a copy of this message.
(12) After that, Kara went mad at me on every post of mine! rated my posts down, saying I said bad things behind her back.
(13) I apologized on forum to her for saying that. BUT she never apologized to me for calling me a liar, stealing other vendors photos to pretend I own the Sankyo FLute! She even goes on saying bad things about my house and everything!
Re: Silver plated or nickel plated ?
00:03 on Friday, May 22, 2009
 Pyrioni (437 points)
Hi freckles, me in junior high too ,,,,,,,,,, I was cool, now u want bring this up again for your aunt Kara, ok...
I demand justice! American always talked about freedom and justice, right? Set an example for us.
Let me list out what I have done and said (you can always go back to check all the posts, it's all there)...
(1) I said Yahama 211 is a good flute, an understimated flute, and I posted 3 videos that I played with Yamaha 211, and I said my grandma wanted to buy me a gold flute, but I prefer to still use 211 for now, and buy a good flute later.
(2) Kara immediately responded saying that I am bragging egoistic, and also she thinks I was lying.
(3) I responded saying that why do I need to brag? I am improving fast daily and I'm still young, when u saw my videos I am already improved, also I am not a liar, I do have a rich grandma and she bought me a Sankyo Artist(all silver with silver keys) 4 years ago! but I still like to use my Yamaha 211.
(4) I then post a link to 2 photos of my Sankyo Artist.
(5) Kara immediately saying how shameful I was, using/stealing other vendor's photos to pretend I own the Sankyo All Silver Flute!!!
(6) Almost at the same time Suzie posted, also saying how shameful I was, using/stealing some vendor's ebay photos to pretend I own the flute, and Suzie said she was 100% sure she has seen the exact photos before on ebay from other vendors!!
(7) THOSE ARE A VERY SERIOUS ACCUSATION!! calling me a LIAR. I responded with a link to my blog showing them my photos were taken years ago
(8) also I took an immediate video of my Sankyo Artist on my house's living room's sofa where I took the photos years ago on that same sofa:
(9) you know what? Kara and others immediately rated my videos to 1-star; and then they voted all my posts down to -7!!! so that others cannot see my posts...maybe she was embarrased at that point?
(10) But SUZIE is a good lady, she immediately sent me a private message, saying that she thought she had seen my photos elsewhere on ebay, but it apparently is a mistaken co-incidence these photos looked so similar. Although she never apologized, but Suzie toned down towarded me in her message and her other posts.
(11) I sent SUZIE a message back, explaining what's going on in this recent posts, and I added that I knew Kara a long on youtube and she commented on my videos and talked to me on youtube several times, and that Kara has good tone although not good technique, I told Suzie she can sent Kara a copy of this message.
(12) After that, Kara went mad at me on every post of mine! rated my posts down, saying I said bad things behind her back.
(13) I apologized on forum to her for saying that. BUT she never apologized to me for calling me a liar, stealing other vendors photos to pretend I own the Sankyo FLute! She even goes on saying bad things about my house and everything!
Re: Silver plated or nickel plated ?
21:05 on Saturday, May 23, 2009