Re: Silver plated or nickel plated ?
Re: Silver plated or nickel plated ?
22:05 on Saturday, May 23, 2009
Re: Silver plated or nickel plated ?
01:52 on Monday, May 25, 2009
 Pyrioni (437 points)
To Kara,
YES, I got your message, I didn't see it, I overlook it, very very sorry. I got your apology message, I am so sorry I missed it. It's a big misunderstanding. It is my all fault, please let me say SORRY to you. I was the one very emotional, sorry.
To Micron and others,
Please don't argue between you guys becoz of me. me bad guy. please be friends amongst you guys. I am gone, bye.
Re: Silver plated or nickel plated ?
21:02 on Monday, May 25, 2009
Re: Silver plated or nickel plated ?
22:17 on Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Re: Silver plated or nickel plated ?
15:50 on Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Re: Silver plated or nickel plated ?
14:12 on Friday, June 5, 2009
Re: Silver plated or nickel plated ?
16:47 on Friday, June 5, 2009
Re: Silver plated or nickel plated ?
16:58 on Friday, June 5, 2009
Re: Silver plated or nickel plated ?
17:59 on Friday, June 5, 2009
Re: Silver plated or nickel plated ?
19:41 on Friday, June 5, 2009
Re: Silver plated or nickel plated ?
20:31 on Friday, June 5, 2009
Re: Silver plated or nickel plated ?
18:38 on Sunday, June 7, 2009
 binx (183 points)
"If you want to do what happens in a forum, and discuss it intelligently, then you are most welcome, but to close it with absolutely no discussion is infantile, and I will continue to react by re-opening it." |
In just of the situation, it is quite possible that many people do not agree with your current speculations and choose not to drag it out further by disagreeing. I am seeing more infantile behavior with the spamming of the same post.
"Take a good look at its content, and I think you will struggle to find anything to complain about in it, nor any reason to close it. And that is presumably why the moderator is accepting that it has a right to remain open." |
By referring to another member of the forum as having hurled back weaknesses in Pyroni's face in emotional retaliation is something I don't see and, I find this as a way of goading another person. Perhaps the moderator is busy or chooses to let it go.
"To keep closing it is unjustified personal attack, and I will react to that. Have a happy day." |
Personal or not the minus and positive voting were put there for a reason. People have the right to disagree with something. It seems that many do not either agree with your post or are tired of seeing you spamming with it as I am. Adding "Have a happy day." after continuing such a debacle is being factitious.
"Dissing a post (by effectively wiping it),without intelligent response is not something I easily accept. I do not believe this is from the actions of many people, but rather one or two people who have found a way of dissing a post multiple times." |
If you notice, it is not wiped out. Anyone can click on the positive next to the post and still read it. Accusations are reasonable, but without proof there is nothing to go on.
No hopefully this will stop. You now have a response so I sincerely hope that we can all end it here.
"I am making a gentle protest at the rather pathetic attempt to close valid communication in this thread. Somebody is so smart, but I can keep repeating this post, until this silly person stops." |
Who is "somebody" and again, where is your proof?
"Closing an intelligent, positive post down is like an infantile stamp on the floor, or a pathetically immature slap in the face." |
Insulting the members of the forum is not going to get your anywhere or a rash response as you so wanted. As for an 'infantile stamp on the floor' that is exactly what you keep on doing by spamming the forum with the same post over and over again.
"At the opposite end of the response spectrum, is calm, reasonable discussion."
On your end?
Does anybody have any calm, reasoned comment to make? Seems not. :-)
Prolonging this is unhealthy.
"So, here is my post, once again... If you don't like it, react intelligently by writing a sensible comment. Be happy, not negative...."
And if you don't like my response you most likely will not see it as an intelligent sensible comment. By following your own advice to be happy, not negative would be a positive step in the right direction.
"Whether it was Pyrioni's own, or material that he had reproduced from his mentors, does not really matter; much of what he wrote here contained good food for thought." |
Okay, fair enough. Yes I agree to a point. I don't want to start anything on the actions or attitude in which Pyrioni chose to write as it has been voiced already by other members. He has apologized and all seems to be fine between the two parties concerned.
"As players, most of us have our personal weaknesses, and any information provided in a flute forum that assists in understanding and hopefully dealing with these is worth having. It is also useful for any of us who are teachers.
Pyrioni highlighted some weaknesses that were not received well. He had his own. He acknowledged his weaknesses, I thought quite gracefully, and he outlined his chosen, reasoned path of learning as a possible reason for them." |
True but how it is presented is another story. Pyrioni has already admitted that he was simply jealous of Kara's tone on the flute thus the less than positive response to her flute playing. I am guessing that others most likely picked up on this so they did not receive the criticism well. This was very big of Pyroni to admit and apologize for. Just to quote the exact words of which Pyroni wrote were...
"To Kara,
Me bad guy. I was emotional. Very sorry, my apologies to you and all. I actually was very jealous of your beautiful tone, Please don't go, please stay and help people very your vast instrument knowledge. I am gone, bye." |
"He also called a spade a spade, which is refreshing in the midst of political correctness. When the dust settles, I hope that the insights he offered will be valued rather than being seen as threatening. I am not sure any of us really knows what "maturity" is, and his road towards that is ongoing, but that can be said of every one of us."
If that is the way you see it then so be it. I could choose to disagree but there is no point in hashing out something that is over between the two parties involved without reopening bad feelings.
"We all need input from others to become better people. We give and we receive. He clearly had something to give, and was himself receptive."
It is the manor in which is is given. Some people are better with people skills than others.
"A forum such as this, with a limited number of contributors, can get sort of incestuous in its attitudes and perspectives. I hope that Pyrioni can recover from this unreasonable storm and return here, with anything he can offer." |
Calling something an unreasonable storm referring to someone that was obviously upset certainly doesn't help matters. Not everyone can act or respond the way we choose. That was a hidden insult.
Hopefully now we can close this matter. I have said my peace and I am done with it. If we stop posting his last post down, maybe this will stop.
Re: Silver plated or nickel plated ?
19:47 on Sunday, June 7, 2009
Re: Silver plated or nickel plated ?
11:10 on Monday, June 8, 2009
 flute_n_bassoon (309 points)
It appears it is no longer personal, Micron.
I had written "well said, Micron" on a post, and have gotten thumbs down.
I may be unpopular for saying this, but Micron, you have expressed my views on this topic quite nicely. Pyroni indeed was attacked the same way, Pyroni did have some comments to offer, and bullying him because nobody liked the way he expressed his musical level was just wrong. He was only a child, can you people imagine what it would feel like to be dissed continously by established flautists for bragging a bit? He felt good about himself, that is why he bragged, and we had no right to make him feel inferior.
I guess I just didn't know how to say it, and you have said it for me.
Thanks for your sensible comments, Micron, even if for a time they were re posted continuously in a childlike manner. We all make mistakes right? Maybe the rest of the community here will see that.
Re: Silver plated or nickel plated ?
12:05 on Monday, June 8, 2009