Re: Silver plated or nickel plated ?
Re: Silver plated or nickel plated ?
17:24 on Monday, June 8, 2009
Re: Silver plated or nickel plated ?
22:24 on Monday, June 8, 2009
 Pyrioni (437 points)
I just check back today, I thought everything should be quiet down, but it's even a bigger mess!! LOL.... Wow, this voting down continues to my friend and supporter too!! This person is mental, some of my friends on other discussion list are talking about him/her. Just before I left, I registered 9 new accounts to unclose my last 3 posts, but within 5 minutes, s/he was able to re-close my post again, I believe it is a one-person who registered 17 to 20 new accounts to close all the posts s/he does not. This forum's voting system is stupid and has been misused. Does it mean if I register 50 gmail or hotmail account, and then register 50 8note accounts, then I can rule the forum and shut whoever oppose me up?? That's childish and I have no time to play that stupid game, I am not childish like that person spend all her/his no life on a very quiet forum 24hrs playing this stupid game. I am too busy preparing to study with Vienna Phil Orchestra this summer as 2nd flutist, Harnoncourt will conduct our youth orchestra in Haydn hall in Vienna's palace, this is my life, I do have a life ahead of me!
I have just reported it to 8note admin and ask them to check whose IP had closed all these posts. Thanks Gordon for helping me in this forum and the other forums, but you are fighting a ghost, you can't win, if the admin or moderator did nothing. This forum is stupid, leave, the admins and moderators want more people to join, send you ads, and want us to post more to boost their post counts.
Re: Silver plated or nickel plated ?
22:30 on Monday, June 8, 2009
Re: Silver plated or nickel plated ?
22:40 on Monday, June 8, 2009
Re: Silver plated or nickel plated ?
22:46 on Monday, June 8, 2009
 Pyrioni (437 points)
Oh, you are my teacher's teacher, I achieved so much because of your correct way of thinking in flute. World's top 4 orchestra LSO's principal wrote me:
" Hi Pyrioni
I just came across your video. Sounds really good. Keep it up.
Best wishes
Gareth Davies
Principal Flute LSO
p.s. I play on a Yamaha too! "
New York critic introducted me to Google and google invited me to play for them in Asia press conference:
Re: Silver plated or nickel plated ?
22:58 on Monday, June 8, 2009
Re: Silver plated or nickel plated ?
11:06 on Tuesday, June 9, 2009
 Pyrioni (437 points)
1. I don't know why? May be becoz I filed several complaints asked the admin and moderator to investigate the negative giver's IP and cookies and computer name, this person got scared... or Admin or moderator disabled the voting system? I really don't know. But since this forum is back to normal, please let this thread die, and post no more. It's all our emotional over-reaction  me sorry about that.
2. thanks!
3. Yes, Gordon, and yes, my uncle is a repair tech now just like you... very busy he is...  You taught so many people in the world, and you have helped many people in the past 10 years on clarinet, sax and flute and repair forums so as I heard..... bye... me busy on training for the vienna trip.
Re: Silver plated or nickel plated ?
13:13 on Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Re: Silver plated or nickel plated ?
16:37 on Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Re: Silver plated or nickel plated ?
21:37 on Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Re: Silver plated or nickel plated ?
23:15 on Wednesday, June 17, 2009