Hand pain
Hand pain
13:15 on Saturday, February 6, 2010
InstrumentCrazy (219 points)
Posted by InstrumentCrazy
Hey I need some help here. I've recently started having some light pain in my left hand after I'm done playing my flute. Yes, I am holding the flute correctly. I was just wondering if a Bo-pep finger rest\saddle would help in anyway. Maybe it would help so not all the weight would be on one particular area? The pain I believe is not from my flute but from the piano. I'm auditioning for a lot on piano lately and have to do a lot of streching from key to key, and one part I have to play really loudly.So it's really hard on my hand. I would take a couple days off from practicing but I have compitetions on both instruments coming up, and I have to keep my tone up. Any advice?
Re: Hand pain
15:11 on Saturday, February 6, 2010
Re: Hand pain
20:03 on Saturday, February 6, 2010
Re: Hand pain
21:50 on Saturday, February 6, 2010
spark12 (64 points)
some help here. I've recently started having some light pain in my left hand after I'm done playing my flute. Yes, I am holding the flute correctly. I was just wondering if a Bo-pep finger rest\saddle would help in anyway. Maybe it would help so not all the weight would be on one particular area? The pain I believe is not from my flute but from the piano. I'm auditioning for a lot on piano lately and have to do a lot of streching from key to key, and one part I have to play really loudly.So it's really hard on my hand. I would take a couple days off from practicing but I have compitetions on both instruments coming up, and I have to keep my tone up. Any advice?
I understand what you mean. I play piano and flute pretty competitively...especially piano...bleh. If it's just a little bit of pain that goes away for a bit, don't stress out about it too much. If it continues to hurt, then you really got to something. Other than that, try to identify what it is. It could be from the piano. If your hands hurt after play 6 scales 4 octaves up and down and contrary motion at max speed, it hurts if you're not as warmed up (and believe me!) But if you keep going even if it hurts, DON'T. Just because you will play in a competition, does not mean you can push yourself like that. If you find yourself doing that a lot, don't. Take a rest, shake your hands a bit for about 30 seconds and move on. There can be another thing, you are pushing down the keys too hard. Don't. Never "force" your fingers. If the section is loud, don't ever push. And I wish I can say more, but this is a flute forum. :D LOL Or it could be octaves. BE CAREFUL!
Do you pick up your flute right after you practice piano? Also, same thing w/ the piano. Don't make your fingers do more work than it should. If you're playing osmething difficult, don't force your fingers to go up and down and slap the keys. Try playing things slow so that your fingers will go to the right place without slapping the keys. Light and effortless. And also...yes you play with your fingertips on the piano. But that's not so with the flute. That's a lot more work on your fingers.
The only other answer is that if you played a lot more than you usually do, then of course it'll hurt. Let's say you took a day off. Then when you resume your practicing, you should try to ease into the game. Don't just jump right in. If it's not a huge pain (I hate to say this), don't worry about it too much. It could very well go away. IF it doesn't, then there is something wrong you are doing. Talk to your piano teacher about it.
Re: Hand pain
07:05 on Sunday, February 7, 2010
Re: Hand pain
08:30 on Sunday, February 7, 2010
InstrumentCrazy (219 points)
Posted by InstrumentCrazy
Thanks! This really has helped a lot! I was going to take today off, but then somebody wanted me to sub for them at church. (of course it had to be the piano! lol!) But, seriously thanks!
Sparks12: Your post was extremely helpful.
Re: Hand pain
08:43 on Sunday, February 7, 2010
Re: Hand pain
09:11 on Sunday, February 7, 2010
InstrumentCrazy (219 points)
Posted by InstrumentCrazy
Yeah, I kinda think the pain comes from both(piano and flute). Because it does hurt in the same area where you said yours does but a little farther back.
Re: Hand pain
09:25 on Sunday, February 7, 2010
Re: Hand pain
09:36 on Sunday, February 7, 2010
Re: Hand pain
09:41 on Sunday, February 7, 2010
Re: Hand pain
12:21 on Sunday, February 7, 2010
Go-Home-and-Prac tice
Posted by Go-Home-and-Practice
A few years ago, I was working toward passing a piano proficiency test and was practicing both flute and piano several hours a day. My left hand started hurting really bad. Carpel tunnel syndrome runs in my family, but I thought it was from playing the piano too much. After playing on an inline G since 6th grade, I switched to an off-set G and the pain virtually disappeared. Just throwing this out there: it could be your flute--maybe some of the pads don't seal correctly and your fingers have to work too hard, or perhaps it is your mechanism set-up as it was in my case.
Good luck as you try to discover the problem.
Re: Hand pain
19:05 on Sunday, February 7, 2010
Patrick (1743 points)
some years ago, I had this problem, all too common for those who play/pracitce a lot.
My doctor at the time had enough foresite to not shoot me full of pain killers or other intrusive measures, instead he sent me to learn a relaxation method called Feldenkreis.
Not only did it cure the problem, which originated in tension in the arms and shoulders which made its way to my hands and fingers.
The tension went away, my breath capacity doubled and I can practice for long stretches with no pain at all.
SO the question is, as I ask my students, are you balancing the flute or holding it, or worse, gripping it?
If you are balancing the flute correctly and pushing lightly, keeping the shoulders and arms relaxed the tension should ease, watch yourself in the mirror and see if your arms or shoulders are un-naturally high.
Re: Hand pain
19:32 on Sunday, February 7, 2010
InstrumentCrazy (219 points)
Posted by InstrumentCrazy
Thanks! I'm pretty sure right know that my flute is causing the pain. I have been practicing a lot more than usual,because of everything I'm trying out and participating in. I guess I should just watch how much I do. But I love my flute and I couldn't go a day without practice! Thanks for all your advice! Now, I don't feel so worried about it.
Re: Hand pain
04:19 on Monday, February 8, 2010