italianbrassweek (6 points)
Posted by italianbrassweek
The Italian Flute Meeting will be held from 5th to 7th of August 2010 by Santa Fiora In Musica International Festival.
There will be a lot of teachers of worldwide fame, that will have the intention to improve the technical and artistic level of Italian and Foreign students.
Already well-established and appreciated internationally, this edition will be caracterized by some innovation in teachers and in concerts.
A real opportunity for the flute world of compare themselves and to be protagonists of this music week.
Solo Flute of the Orchestra Nazionale Santa Cecilia in ROMA
Winners of International awards as: KOBE, MONACO
Yossi Arnheim 1. Solo Flute, Israel Philharmonic Orchestra.
Buchman-Mehta School of Music, Israel
Michele Marasco 1. Solo Flute, ORT-Orchestra di Toscana, Florence
Francesco Loi 1. Solo Flute, Teatro Carlo Felice, Genova
Bulent Evcil Principal flute, Istanbul. Istanbul Technical University (MIAM), Turkey
Claudio Montafia - 1. flute in the Orchestra Regionale Veneta, Music Academy "Pollini" in Padua (Italy),
Matteo Evangelisti - principal flute, Maggio Musicale Fiorentino
Master Class Partecipation
Students who like to attend as active Master Classes participants, have to send an
application with chosen Master Class/Classes, repertoire and bio, to: italianflutemeeting@gmail.com
Flute Meeting Euro 160,00 active
60,00 auditor
quota d'iscrizione 30,00 both
(subscribers are allowed to attend all festival events: concerts, master
classes, lectures, exhibitions).
How to get to Santa Fiora
By car: take the A1 to Florence, exit at Firenze Certosa, then take the superstrada Firenze/Siena, following the signs for Grosseto, exit at Paganico, travel in the direction of Monte Amiata - Arcidosso - Santa Fiora.
By train: Grosseto Central Station, then take the coach (RAMA) for Santa Fiora.
By plane: International Airports of Rome and Pisa, then by train or car (see above).
Ristorante Al Barilotto - Via Carolina, 24 - Tel. 0564/977089 - Closed on Wednesdays
hotels and restaurants
Albergo Castagneto - Loc. Case Fioravanti - Bagnolo- Tel. 0564/953175
Albergo Eden - Via Roma, 1 - Tel. 0564/977033
Albergo Ristorante Adele Fungomania - Via F.lli Rosselli, 59 - Bagnolo - Tel. 0564/953040
Albergo Ristorante Fiora - Via Roma, 8 - Tel. 0564/977043 Fax 0564/978154
Albergo Ristorante Il Caminetto - Via F. di Giulio (Loc. Marroneto) - Tel. 0564/977233
Albergo Ristorante Il Fungo - Via dei Minatori, 10 - Bagnolo - 0564/953025-953379
Albergo Ristorante Pratuccio Hotel - Via F.lli Rosselli, 70 - Bagnolo - Tel. 0564/953005
Ristorante Pizzeria Al Ponte - Via Roma, 14/16 - Tel. 0564/977295 - Closed on Thuesday.
Pizzeria Ristorante La Faggia - Via Abbadia (Loc. Faggia) - Tel. 0564/953006
Ristorante K2 - Loc. Selva - Tel. 0564/977094
With regard to accomodation, the festival has an agreement with:
Park Hotel Colle degli Angeli (www.colledegliangeli.net) (Tel. 0564.967409) - half-board at 49,00 euro in a guest-house rooms with 2/3 beds or B&B at 39,00 euro.
Hotel Pratuccio (hotelpratuccio@libero.it) (Tel. 328.9342755 / 0564.953005) - half-board at 43,00 euro (August) or 38,00 euro (other period). There will also be a discount of 5% if you reserve a room before 10th July.