headjoint trials
headjoint trials
22:46 on Friday, June 11, 2010
 fluteypiccolosax (97 points)
Posted by fluteypiccolosax
hey, i made 2 quick recordings on my burkart head and miyazawa head in my basic yamaha body.
long story short;
i used to play on the yamaha with the burkart head, but have recently upgraded to a miyazawa.
But sometimes i find myself wishing to play the burkart head in my miyazara, but the burkart is too big.
so i thought id do a quick little comparison between the two, in the yamaha body. (i havent played the yamaha in a few months and im not used to it, so ignore the little blips and such)
please forgive youtube's horrible sound quality. :/
thoughts? opinions? try to guess which video is which headjoint?
Re: headjoint trials
15:03 on Saturday, June 12, 2010
 fluteypiccolosax (97 points)
Posted by fluteypiccolosax
(no edit button?)
i did this because im deciding if its worth it to get the burkart sized to the miyazawa.
Re: headjoint trials
18:28 on Saturday, June 12, 2010
Re: headjoint trials
22:16 on Saturday, June 12, 2010
R25_50C_R150px.jpg) Zevang (491 points)
(indeed, no edit button...)
I said that because every Miyazawa I've heard playing sounded too diferent from the "traditional" silver sound of the flute, the tone we were accostumed to hear from Moyse and perhaps more "recently" from Nicolé. The Burkart sounded a little more traditional. The Miyazawa (if I was right in my previous message...) seemed to have a more modern tone, like the ones we find in more recent commercial recordings.
Now, from my personal perspective, I would manage to keep them both, because you may choose one or another depending on how diferently you want your sound. I acctually do this. I have four diferent headjoints I like to play, depending on what the repertoire demands and my "mood" at a given mpment. One is an Emanuel all silver with my old Muramatsu standart. This is as traditional flute sound as it gets. I have a new Muramatsu EX III with the original Tsubasa headjoint, delicate but brilliant sound. When I really need volume, my gold Sankyo with a Nagahara head is the option. And I also use this Sankyo with its original NRS-1 headjoint (well, almost original, just because it has a Biggio zirconium stopper-locker that really made a diference) that gives me a delicate not so brilliant tone that I really like when playing from Beethoven and earlier. It works well in chamber orchestra mostly.
Now, if you must choose I'd say you should stay with the Miyazawa head (assuming again that I was right before... :-) That touch of modernity in your sound captured me anyway, although I like it traditional too, I think with a little more work you might be able to darken the tone if needed. The opposite might be more dificult to do, I mean, from traditional to modern.
Re: headjoint trials
22:55 on Saturday, June 12, 2010
 fluteypiccolosax (97 points)
Posted by fluteypiccolosax
surprisingly, number one is the burkart and number 2 is the miyazawa.
youtube's sound quality ontop on my subpar recording equipment really hinders my tone. :/
but thank you zevang for your helpful post. (: