Yamaha vs Armstrong?
21:36 on Saturday, June 12, 2010
Re: Yamaha vs Armstrong?
14:06 on Sunday, June 13, 2010
Re: Yamaha vs Armstrong?
15:00 on Sunday, June 13, 2010
 DaveandKateplus1 4
Posted by DaveandKateplus14
An intermediate flute is simply a STUDENT flute with holes. Please tell us why you need holes and what you will be using them for so we may better understand your needs. I agree, unless you are a prodigy, in the sixth grade a professional headjoint would be a waste. Please do not buy into what band directors or music store sales people tell you about having to have the holes.
Re: Yamaha vs Armstrong?
02:33 on Monday, June 14, 2010
 InstrumentCrazy (219 points)
Posted by InstrumentCrazy
Hi, I actually own the Armstrong 303B. It may depend on the player,but I'm able to get a very clear crisp tone out of my flute. It's beautifully made, and I love it. What I have found is that it has a great range. I can go from the lowest note (b) to the highest (c). I love the low notes on my flute, they come out very rich and clear. And I can get the high notes without to much difficulty. The high notes are also very clear. This is just from my experience, but I hope it helps. It's actually a professional flute, not intermediate. (as it says on Music123)
I have played on a yamaha once... but I can't say anything really about it seeing that it was broken!! 
Re: Yamaha vs Armstrong?
14:12 on Monday, June 14, 2010
Re: Yamaha vs Armstrong?
14:13 on Monday, June 14, 2010
 DaveandKateplus1 4
Posted by DaveandKateplus14
It's actually a professional flute, not intermediate. (as it says on Music123) |
No, it is NOT a professional flute. Again, it is a student flute with holes. It is great that you like your flute though, that is all that really matters. But, do please take some time and do some research on flute brands and such before buying into what music123 says. They only want to sell you an instrument.
If you play and love an instrument, I always find it odd that people don't want to know more about them. I love to research flutes because I want to know the facts. But I suppose that is just me. I have to admit when I was a kid, I thought my Gemeinhardt 3SHB was the bomb. That was before computers were very popular and I did not have one to do my research. Once I got my first computer, I was on it all the time researching them. It would save a lot of people embarrassment if they would get to know their facts on their instrument. Just a thought 
Re: Yamaha vs Armstrong?
18:24 on Monday, June 14, 2010