flute case types -- which is best
flute case types -- which is best
18:57 on Sunday, June 13, 2010
Re: flute case types -- which is best
19:43 on Sunday, June 13, 2010
 DaveandKateplus1 4
Posted by DaveandKateplus14
I would recommend getting a hard case and putting a case cover over it. It is more protected that way and your niece can that store her cleaning cloth, rod etc.. in the zippered compartment and not in with the flute itself where nothing should be stored but the flute itself. By the way, I am the owner of Fluteragious 
Re: flute case types -- which is best
20:38 on Sunday, June 13, 2010
 krosskuntryrunne r
Posted by krosskuntryrunner
I agree, a hard case with a cover, WWBW.com has a good selection. You also must know what kind of case to purchase since not all cases fit all flutes, for instance if your flute has a B foot, you obviously cant buy a C foot case, and expect it to fit.
A C foot flute will have a total of 3 pads on the foot, (end piece) the Eb, C#, and C.
a B foot flute will have a total of 4 pads on the foot. the Eb, C#, C, and B.
Re: flute case types -- which is best
15:08 on Monday, June 14, 2010
Re: flute case types -- which is best
17:59 on Monday, June 14, 2010