I can`t find my flute model online... (gemeinhardt)
23:16 on Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Re: I can`t find my flute model online... (gemeinhardt)
16:53 on Friday, June 25, 2010
Re: I can`t find my flute model online... (gemeinhardt)
17:36 on Friday, June 25, 2010
Re: I can`t find my flute model online... (gemeinhardt)
23:22 on Friday, June 25, 2010
Re: I can`t find my flute model online... (gemeinhardt)
07:48 on Saturday, June 26, 2010
Re: I can`t find my flute model online... (gemeinhardt)
09:30 on Saturday, June 26, 2010
 DaveandKateplus1 4
Posted by DaveandKateplus14
I saw that ad and it is a bit of an exaggeration. Classing a Geminhardt in a professional flute category is one thing. This does not mean that the original poster has this exact flute that was listed in that ad. Gemeinhardt made MANY 50th anniversary models. Like many ads listed on the net, they are going to boast it up and make is sound like one of a kind when it simply is not. The key cups were designed a bit differently and they added gold springs to them. They don't play any differently than the regular 3SB and again, are quit common.
It depends on if your flute has solid silver key work, Y or pointed key arms, silver or gold riser/lip plate to determine a fair price. Without knowing the full specs, it is hard to say. The regular equivalent to a 3SB usually sell used on ebay for around $500 for auction as far as I have seen.
Re: I can`t find my flute model online... (gemeinhardt)
19:17 on Saturday, June 26, 2010
Re: I can`t find my flute model online... (gemeinhardt)
21:44 on Saturday, June 26, 2010
 DaveandKateplus1 4
Posted by DaveandKateplus14
They Haynes handmade models are still being made in Boston. It is the Haynes Amadeus models that are being made in China last I knew. I think that word "professional" is used to freely when it comes to flutes. It is crazy how many people think just because it has open holes or B foot or solid silver that it is a professional model. You see this all too often on eBay.