Airy B Flat.
16:19 on Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Re: Airy B Flat.
16:50 on Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Re: Airy B Flat.
09:57 on Thursday, July 1, 2010
Re: Airy B Flat.
14:16 on Thursday, July 1, 2010
Re: Airy B Flat.
11:39 on Friday, July 2, 2010
Re: Airy B Flat.
14:55 on Friday, July 2, 2010
Re: Airy B Flat.
15:30 on Friday, July 2, 2010
 DaveandKateplus1 4
I wasn't really asking anyone to fix it....I was asking for advice. And thanks!
Well, we gave you the advice that you were looking for, it just happens to be that our advise it to go have someone fix it. Isn't that what you were hoping for when asking the question, that you wanted a fix to your flute? That really is the only logical answer here.
"Common sense people, common sense!"
Re: Airy B Flat.
13:35 on Sunday, July 4, 2010
 CessiMarie (152 points)
Please, DaveandKateplus1, be nicer than that. I see your point, and agree with that seeing a repair tech is often an excellent idea. However, there is no reason to discourage this kind of questions. For once, we flutists always struggle with deciding if it is us causing a problem or if it is the flute. Additionally it is not all repair technicians that do a good job. Consequently it might be a good idea to learn more about the current problem, if possible, by asking a question.
My own advice in general about flute mechanics is:
1) Get regular check-ups. Yearly is a good idea (but different people will have different opinions on how frequent the check-ups should be). Regular check-ups are usually not expensive, and they can prevent expesive problems from arising.
2) Locate a flute tech that you trust and that you know will do a good job. There is no point in paying someone who does not have the skill to keep (or restore) your flute in good shape. (This also means that if you still notice anything odd at all after a repair, talk to to the technician about it. You are the one knowing your flute and how it behaved before the repair, and good technicians do want to help you as much as they can.)
Please correct me if you more experienced people have opinions.
Re: Airy B Flat.
14:05 on Sunday, July 4, 2010
 cflutist (175 points)
Get regular check-ups. Yearly is a good idea (but different people will have different opinions on how frequent the check-ups should be). Regular check-ups are usually not expensive, and they can prevent expesive problems from arising.
Yes, a yearly COA (Clean, Oil, and Adjust) is a good idea. It's like going to the dentist (which I hate) ... if you go regularly, problems are found before they become major (i.e. a root canal, which I have not had, but they sound nasty).
Carolyn Nussbaum charges about $350 for a professional flute (i.e. Haynes, Powell, Brannen, etc) but she does a wonderful job with my Haynes and I trust her 100%. It's a pain to ship my flute from CA to TX but it's worth it for me as I would not let my local music shop touch my flute.
FluteWorld seems to charge less
Re: Airy B Flat.
18:08 on Sunday, July 4, 2010
Re: Airy B Flat.
18:11 on Sunday, July 4, 2010