Playing Mozart
14:11 on Wednesday, August 4, 2010
 Flyingflute (7 points)
This is my first post here  So, hello to everybody!
And here is my first record of Mozart's concerto for flute and orchestra G-dur. I made this record at home, using mac, "motu" sound card , Ableton Live, and Shure58 mic))) Also I used an orchestral phonogramm from Edition Peters flute sheets.
The air temperature was 39c in Moscow that day, so it was so hard to do something))))) But maestro Mozart inspired me to do it anyway!
Re: Playing Mozart
17:57 on Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Re: Playing Mozart
19:32 on Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Re: Playing Mozart
16:50 on Thursday, August 5, 2010
Re: Playing Mozart
17:31 on Thursday, August 5, 2010
 Flyingflute (7 points)
Hi! Thank you so much  ))
I really didn't expected such a good reaction on my playing 
This concert is one of my favorite too, and it is not so simple, as it can be seen))) It is very transparent music and every note should be on the right place. And I should be very careful to get to the orchestra record, cause it moves inside the bars sometimes 
I appreciate your words  So, thank you again, keep in touch!
Ilja Dvoretskiy.
P.S.Sorry for my bad english)
Re: Playing Mozart
02:14 on Friday, August 6, 2010
Re: Playing Mozart
02:37 on Friday, August 6, 2010
Re: Playing Mozart
21:08 on Saturday, August 7, 2010
Re: Playing Mozart
07:58 on Sunday, August 8, 2010
 Flyingflute (7 points)
Big thanks for your compliments  )) The problem with mic was not about placing it to the right or to the left, but with itself!
I used shure 58, and you know, this type of mic is not for studio recording))) I'll try to get normal studio condencer mic like neumann soon! But your information was very useful to me, and I'll try to do my best next time 
My kindest reguards to you!
Re: Playing Mozart
21:35 on Sunday, August 8, 2010
 prokofievisaflut esonata
Posted by prokofievisaflutesonata
The orchestra is great. You have a wonderful style and amazing interpretation. Your intonation is very good. My personal opinion was that your tone was too airy. Maybe it was because of the mic though, because, as Zevang said, different placements can pick up on excess noise (breathing, air over the embouchure, etc.). Your technique is fantastic. I thought your tone in the 2nd movement is much clearer than in the 1st. Yes, your sound seems gorgeous in this movement. Maybe it was just the mic picking up too much sound in the first mvt. Bravo and Best Wishes for a successful life in Music!
Re: Playing Mozart
06:24 on Monday, August 9, 2010
Re: Playing Mozart
22:40 on Monday, August 9, 2010
 flutechick101 (72 points)
I think you have a very good sound and it is a lovely recording. My only critique is to watch intonation. It gets a little harsh at times, especially as far as your air-stream goes. I also think that the lower range could use a much warmer sound. It's not bad at all, don't get me wrong. It just seems like it's not as well worked as the other ranges. I also think you have a lovely vibrato, but maybe a little less on phrases with lots of sixteenth notes. Overall, beautiful. :-) Best wishes on your flute playing in the future and I hope I helped.
Re: Playing Mozart
16:14 on Friday, August 13, 2010
Re: Playing Mozart
16:53 on Friday, August 13, 2010
 Flyingflute (7 points)
Hi, Joze! I'm absolutely agree with what you saying 
I was made a post here, because I'm in a creative search now and I need some raction to my playing to analyse, what I should do and what I shouldn't. It's a good expirience  I understand, that my flute playing is far from ideal. That's why this post is so necessary!
Thank you for your understanding!