Palm Winds flutes?
Palm Winds flutes?
22:21 on Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Re: Palm Winds flutes?
00:04 on Thursday, August 5, 2010
Re: Palm Winds flutes?
21:24 on Thursday, August 5, 2010
Re: Palm Winds flutes?
23:32 on Thursday, August 5, 2010
Re: Palm Winds flutes?
01:58 on Friday, August 6, 2010
 CessiMarie (152 points)
Welcome to the forum, Fungus!
The good thing is that you seem to really want to play the flute.  One good option is to look for flutes to rent in music stores. (Or rent to buy.)
I'm not sure how old you are, but if you're still in school, asking for money for birthdays and Christmas, might help you increase the budget. In any way, saving for an instrument is a long time project. Start putting money away, and you'll be able to upgrade later.
How do you pay your teacher? Maybe you could have lessons every other week, instead of every week, for some time and save the money for a new flute?
Good luck with the playing! Just be patient, and work to save up some money.
Re: Palm Winds flutes?
02:58 on Friday, August 6, 2010
 Fungus (4 points)
Thanks for the welcome!
Haha, I'm actually in college, but I do feel like I'm back in sixth grade trying to pinch my pennies for a new toy :D I should've specified that I don't, and probably won't, play the flute as my primary instrument. I'm basically picking this up as a side, in addition to piano, and a couple of others. As I'm saving for college, that explains my unreasonably tight budget for expensive shiny things at the moment, so I'm just looking for the most bang for my buck here.
As for lessons, a friend of mine is giving me some instruction in the basics. Unfortunately my lesson-money is pretty much spent on vocal music
Regardless though, that's good advice that I think I'll follow. If I like playing flute enough, I might just be able to put enough away for something decent :D
I'm guessing no one around here has played one of these "Palm Winds" then?
Re: Palm Winds flutes?
06:23 on Friday, August 6, 2010
Re: Palm Winds flutes?
12:33 on Friday, August 6, 2010
Re: Palm Winds flutes?
21:44 on Friday, August 6, 2010
 travel2165 (260 points)
Don't forget your local craigslist (if you're in a large urban area). Here's one from my area:
Armstrong student flute - $85
This is a WT Armstrong student flute (#33978) made in Elkhart, Indiana.
It comes in a hard case.
It was purchased in the early 1970's.
Looks and plays great and could probably use a cleaning.
<two photos>
Re: Palm Winds flutes?
23:01 on Monday, August 16, 2010
 Fungus (4 points)
Well, I received the flute a couple of days ago, and against all odds, this thing plays beautifully. It has a really good tone, and the scale seems reasonable to my ear (I'm a vocalist as well as a pianist, so I have a reasonably good ear).
I cannot fathom how you could get anything better for under 80 dollars. It was just refurbished, so everything is in great shape, too! Honestly, I'd have to say that I prefer this over the $700 Gemeinhardt 3SB I played at the local music store (also reconditioned), and maybe even the the $1600 yamaha (I don't remember the model number).
I'm not sure if I just got extremely lucky with the cut of the headjoint and build quality, or these are actually decent student flutes, but it plays very easily with a great tone. My only complaint would be that it uses synthetic material (rubber and sometimes felt), for the key corks rather than natural cork. Anyway, suffice it to say, I love the flute, and it's really encouraged me to keep playing :D
Has anyone else played on of these? Did I just get really lucky?
P.S. Pictures coming later :D
Re: Palm Winds flutes?
04:15 on Tuesday, August 17, 2010