What flute brands do you like?
What flute brands do you like?
16:41 on Thursday, September 2, 2010
Re: What flute brands do you like?
10:26 on Monday, September 13, 2010
Re: What flute brands do you like?
10:56 on Monday, September 13, 2010
Re: What flute brands do you like?
16:10 on Monday, September 13, 2010
Re: What flute brands do you like?
20:39 on Monday, September 13, 2010
Re: What flute brands do you like?
22:09 on Monday, September 13, 2010
 fluteypiccolosax (97 points)
Posted by fluteypiccolosax
well i currently have a Miyazawa with a burkart headjoint. but i've played many flutes in my flute playing life.
handmade/upper flutes:
Miyazawa body- very fast and smooth action. very comfortable keys. overall, excellent intonation.
muramatsu body- just as smooth adn fast, but i liked the feel of the Miyazawa better. Great intonation with the stock hj, but ran rather sharp in the top octave with my burkart head.
altus body- very nice scale, i found most flutes i played all had a nice, just different scale/feel. its jsut up to personal preference. not as comfortable as the miyazawa and muramatsu
sankyo body- same as the altus description.
yamaha body- i think it was a 674 i played. the body just didnt seem to be as responsive as the others above. also the intonation was worse than the above flutes. I felt little difference between this flute and my old 361 other than faster action(i played both with my burkart headjoint)
Burkart- my current headjoint(well, of 2, im playing and trying to decide between the burkart and the miyazawa) Very projecting, bright singing tone. Its a very fast/responsive headjoint. a little too bright at times for ensemble playing when not the principle position. wonderful for soloistic playing, although it is a little more difficult to control than the miyazawa.
miyazawa- The cut on this particular head is the MZ-9. It has a lovely, pretty, lyrical tone. Has more ...depth? to the tone. Plays wonderfully intune on the miyazawa body, and lovly dynamics from PPP-F. It is not as projecting and upper dynamics are not as easy.
muramatsu- rather dark tone to it. some love it. i found it on the dull side, hard to project, and stuffy articulation. It has slow response. But its all up to preference.
altus- i found this headjoint to be in the middle of the miyazawa and muramatsu, in terms of dark/bright, response and such.
sankyo-would have been my second choice in headjoints(technically third? im not sure about my current setup at hte moment) Lovely powerful projecting tone. I would have liked a little more resistance though. Not sure on the cut...
yamaha- EC cut. overall bland tone. it had nice response, articulation, and intonation, but the tone was almost brittle in comparison.
and ive played a lot of intermediate flutes, yamaha 361, a few sonares, an azumi, jupiter, demedici,
and my favorite of those would hands down be the demidici.
Re: What flute brands do you like?
01:12 on Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Re: What flute brands do you like?
01:25 on Tuesday, September 14, 2010