Flute Upgrades, Flute Suppliers & Navigating Used Instrument Sales
23:43 on Wednesday, October 13, 2010
 MarchingBandMom (7 points)
Posted by MarchingBandMom
Hi all!  My 9th grader is in her element this year! She is really being challenged as a musician in her high school band and also joined marching band. Marching band camp was of course killer, but she survived and thrived in such an awesome setting! Her school participates in TOB's and are holding their own. But most importantly, they are having a wonderful time.
So, here's what we are faced with right now. Her student Armstrong Liberty flute has lost it's plating on the mouthpiece. (Please forgive me if I use the wrong terminology.) It will cost $400 to replace it, but we want to purchase an intermediate open holed flute for her and the cost is a little steep for something she will be using for marching band only in the future. The repair shop is putting clear nail polish on it for now till we can either purchase another instrument or find a cheaper part. Not the best solution, but this is after all still marching band season.
We want to take her to a reputable, knowledgable dealer in the Washington DC/Baltimore area so she can try some different intermediate flutes out. We found "Chuck Levins" but don't really know much about the place. Any other suggestions for suppliers in those areas?
Finally, we are not opposed to purchasing a used instrument. We've seen ads on Craigslist and Ebay, but we really just don't know that much about purchasing a decent flute and are concerned about getting taken for a ride. Have any of you had any experience purchasing a previously owned instrument? Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance for your help! And please feel free to comment with any additional information you think may be pertinent!
Re: Flute Upgrades, Flute Suppliers & Navigating Used Instrument Sales
08:35 on Thursday, October 14, 2010
Re: Flute Upgrades, Flute Suppliers & Navigating Used Instrument Sales
09:56 on Thursday, October 14, 2010
Re: Flute Upgrades, Flute Suppliers & Navigating Used Instrument Sales
10:05 on Thursday, October 14, 2010
 MarchingBandMom (7 points)
Posted by MarchingBandMom
Hi Keshel! You are right about the plating not affecting how it plays. However, it leaves a difficult to remove black smudge on her lip.  And I agree 100% with you about not using the upgrade in marching band. Not only do the elements play havoc, but also the asphalt parking lot where they practice is pretty hard on the instruments when they are occasionally dropped.  This is why we want to purchase TWO flutes. One intermediate open hole and a less sensitive student flute. And this is also why we want to look at used instruments.  I'm sorry if I wasn't clear in my previous post. It was getting kind of late and my brain tends to shut down. 
Re: Flute Upgrades, Flute Suppliers & Navigating Used Instrument Sales
10:06 on Thursday, October 14, 2010
 MarchingBandMom (7 points)
Posted by MarchingBandMom
Hi Sarah! You are right about the plating not affecting how it plays. However, it leaves a difficult to remove black smudge on her lip.  And I agree 100% with you about not using the upgrade in marching band. Not only do the elements play havoc, but also the asphalt parking lot where they practice is pretty hard on the instruments when they are occasionally dropped.  This is why we want to purchase TWO flutes. One intermediate open hole and a less sensitive student flute. And this is also why we want to look at used instruments.  I'm sorry if I wasn't clear in my previous post. It was getting kind of late and my brain tends to shut down. 
Re: Flute Upgrades, Flute Suppliers & Navigating Used Instrument Sales
10:08 on Thursday, October 14, 2010
Re: Flute Upgrades, Flute Suppliers & Navigating Used Instrument Sales
14:05 on Thursday, October 14, 2010
Re: Flute Upgrades, Flute Suppliers & Navigating Used Instrument Sales
19:48 on Thursday, October 14, 2010
Re: Flute Upgrades, Flute Suppliers & Navigating Used Instrument Sales
05:24 on Friday, October 15, 2010
Re: Flute Upgrades, Flute Suppliers & Navigating Used Instrument Sales
22:58 on Saturday, October 16, 2010
Re: Flute Upgrades, Flute Suppliers & Navigating Used Instrument Sales
09:30 on Sunday, October 17, 2010
Re: Flute Upgrades, Flute Suppliers & Navigating Used Instrument Sales
09:24 on Monday, October 18, 2010
 Kshel (51 points)
Tons of kids play on nickel plated flutes all the time: I have never heard of a nickel poisoning flute pandemic... Just sayin'. If the kid has a nickel allergy, different story.
I'm really sticking to my guns when I say that you do not need to spend oodles of money on a student flute for marching band. If she does have a nickel allergy or reaction to the plating, there are a few cheap student flutes that are silver plated. Steve Deutsch in CA has a few options: http://www.stevedeutschmusic.com/buysell/buysell.htm
Re: Flute Upgrades, Flute Suppliers & Navigating Used Instrument Sales
06:31 on Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Re: Flute Upgrades, Flute Suppliers & Navigating Used Instrument Sales
05:54 on Thursday, October 21, 2010
Re: Flute Upgrades, Flute Suppliers & Navigating Used Instrument Sales
06:26 on Thursday, October 21, 2010
 MarchingBandMom (7 points)
Posted by MarchingBandMom
Thanks again everyone for your input. It is much appreciated!
She's now thinking piccolo is the way to go for MB next year. I've seen some packages where open hole flutes and piccolos are bundled.
The last link doesn't work for me....  /