Need advice on New Headjoint - to Buy or not to Buy??
Need advice on New Headjoint - to Buy or not to Buy??
13:24 on Sunday, November 28, 2010
 dgh3 (2 points)
I’ve got a new headjoint out for trial, and I made a couple of recordings with it. One is Faure’s Pavane, which goes down to low C, and the other is Beauty and the Beast, in which I play the second part an octave higher than written, going up to Hi C.
I made up a website with these recordings. However, as I really only want to pay out$3,000 if there is a real improvement over my current headjoints, I recorded the same songs, the same way, with the same equipment and processing, etc. So, on the website are ten songs, 2 for each of five, unidentified, headjoints. This way I can see what people think without their having any preconceptions. I played each as carefully as I can, and I’ll reply later to the list with what feedback I get.
I put them up in fully detailed wav’s (about 26 MB) and as Wma’s (about 4-6 MB).
To make things simple, I built a survey from Survey Monkey, and embedded it in the website. The first question is most important to me, but the rest would be interesting to know, if you care to fill them in, there are only ten in total. I also linked this site to a site I built about how I compare music files so that I can switch between different versions and hear the same point in the music. I do this all the time for different microphones, different electronic processing etc.
The website is here (and the music files are at the bottom)
Thanks for your help.
Dave Harris
Re: Need advice on New Headjoint - to Buy or not to Buy??
13:43 on Sunday, November 28, 2010
Re: Need advice on New Headjoint - to Buy or not to Buy??
12:49 on Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Re: Need advice on New Headjoint - to Buy or not to Buy??
12:13 on Monday, December 13, 2010
 Concert_Flute (25 points)
A key point is being missed here. If you arbitrarily try different headjoints other than the one(s) you are used to, you're just going to end up sounding the way you always do, assuming they are similar enough in fit, form, and function to what you are used to. In fact, the best headjoint for your growth as a player may in fact be a headjoint that you need to grow into, and, by default, you will not sound that good on initially. The process of (or problem in) stepping up is that it's not an easy task.
Also, enhancing the level of your playing not only requires your embouchure to improve along with the allegedly "better" HJ, but may also require better technique, which may indeed have a better body/footjoint/mechanisms associated with it. In the minimalist case, your flute may need to be professionally attended to, to insure that its playing to the best of its ability, and that the pads are seating well with minimal force.
If your playing is representative of your test files, I would not waste money on expensive headjoints. This is not an insult to you playing, it's just that your style does not warrant any changes in your equipment from what I can tell from the limited selection.
Re: Need advice on New Headjoint - to Buy or not to Buy??
14:12 on Wednesday, December 15, 2010
 Tibbiecow (480 points)
I agree with the above.
Just as a note on buying headjoints, I have had some different experiences to share.
First, buying a wood headjoint- one HJ was much better than the others on trial, I really liked it. I couldn't keep the pitch up properly, but I did buy it and with some hard work, a few months later I could play it well. I still love it.
Second, buying eBay headjoints: One, unreturnable Miyazawa handmade HJ for 1/4 of its retail price, I really didn't like much, didn't play much, and left alone thinking I'd sell it when I got the chance. (I could have sold it for almost twice what I'd paid, so not a huge risk to buy it.) A couple of years later, I spent some quality time with it, and really learned it, and now it is my go-to headjoint.
I also bought a Sankyo NRS-1 to replace the poorly made (and I suspect, should never have made it past quality control) handmade CY headjoint that came with my Yamaha 881. I had several handmade HJs on trial, and I really responded well (picked every time!) to the NRS-1. I still like it, and do well with it.
I haven't gone to listen to your sound files, but if you want a nice new handmade headjoint that will accommodate your advances in playing (and can afford one), then buy one. Just know that, with a newer Jupiter, Pearl or Yamaha student flute, a GOOD flute teacher and plenty of practice, you will be able to develop a great sound.
You can't buy a better sound unless your current equipment is hampering you, and that happens after a lot of practice and time with a good flute teacher.
Re: Need advice on New Headjoint - to Buy or not to Buy??
20:11 on Thursday, December 16, 2010
Re: Need advice on New Headjoint - to Buy or not to Buy??
13:36 on Friday, December 17, 2010
Re: Need advice on New Headjoint - to Buy or not to Buy??
11:40 on Saturday, December 18, 2010