hi!i am currently a freshman (9th grader)and ive been playing flute for 2 years and 5 months and i absolutly love it.
i have a private teacher which is defintely a big help to my playing.
i have a question, i cant decide what to do.
so i currently have 2 flutes, a pearl 665 and a gemeinhardt 2sp.
i defintely want to continue flute in college.
so heres the dilema,
do you think that i should return my pearl flute (which i can, 45 return policy) and wait another few years til i switch to a better nicer flute?(better than pearl? ;o)
i really dont know what to do because i feel like i should wait another few years, but i know that i am ready to step up to a better flute. AGH i dont know.