Looking into a new flute.
Looking into a new flute.
11:13 on Sunday, January 9, 2011
 vrael21 (3 points)
So, I started playing flute around 4th grade, but quickly lost interest. But about a year and a half ago, at the start of my sophomore year, I restarted on the flute with a student model yamaha. After a few months I started taking lessons, which was almost a year ago. I've been very passionate about flute playing, I practice constantly. I really love it. I even made it into my districts' district band on my student model, and was just points away from an all state rec. But my flute teacher has told me I've outgrown my student model, and as much as I love my flute, I'd like to upgrade, which brings me to my question: Should I go for an intermediate or professional model? I've heard that I might outgrow an intermediate model as quickly as I outgrew my student model. I figured I'd get as many people's opinions as possible before making my decision.
Re: Looking into a new flute.
11:38 on Sunday, January 9, 2011
Re: Looking into a new flute.
11:48 on Sunday, January 9, 2011
Re: Looking into a new flute.
21:10 on Sunday, January 9, 2011
Re: Looking into a new flute.
16:47 on Tuesday, January 11, 2011