marching flute-curved headjoint
22:24 on Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Re: marching flute-curved headjoint
05:13 on Thursday, January 13, 2011
Re: marching flute-curved headjoint
21:16 on Thursday, January 13, 2011
 musicman_944 (257 points)
I believe that the referenced article is in the current issue (Jan 2011) of Flute Talk. The author (Susan Fain) discusses other flutist options for marching band such as being a flag bearer. She also states: "If flutists do march with a flute, they should buy a second-hand curved headjoint. The reach is lessened significantly and the flute won't stick out to the side as much."
While I agree with the statement with regard to a curved headjoint lessening the reach, I think it would introduce other issues and generally be a poor solution to the marching flutist problem. In particular, there would be a great tendency for the headjoint to rotate down while playing which would force the hands to rotate into a poor position that would also be problematic.
I agree with bilbo that if a flutist wants to play in marching band, playing piccolo is better both for posture and audibility. Other flutists have even suggested (tongue-in-cheek  ) marching with a silver painted broomstick. IMO, that might be as good an option as a curved headjoint.
Re: marching flute-curved headjoint
21:22 on Thursday, January 13, 2011
Re: marching flute-curved headjoint
09:47 on Friday, January 14, 2011
Re: marching flute-curved headjoint
10:15 on Friday, January 14, 2011
Re: marching flute-curved headjoint
14:01 on Friday, January 14, 2011
 Bilbo (1340 points)
She also states: "If flutists do march with a flute, they should buy a second-hand curved headjoint. The reach is lessened significantly and the flute won't stick out to the side as much." |
Thanks. I will have to look it up. ....
She does make an issue about "marching band stance." As some directors insist upon this position for their concert flutists who are in chairs as well.
I still stand by my statement. To put it another way, the second-hand curved head joints for beginner flutes are fewer than dragon's teeth. I'd think that an author would check on that first because the option is then to pay the $250 for a beginner HJ or possibly find a used Pic for a similar price.
The silver painted broomstick is a good option (for the preservation of the flute and the flutist's proper tone habits if one makes it a bit shorter than the standard flute length.....otherwise the B/D will make the broomstickist /broomstauckist hold it up w/proper marching posture anyway. From what I understand though there is a trend to paint the head piece end of the broomstick with an area of gold paint so that the player doesn't get their stick up backwards.
Although, I spent a lot of time in marching bands, I'm not much in favor of them for fostering quality flutists. They do exercise a bit of memorization and multitasking though....beneficial for the survivors of the course even if the flutes end up worse for the wear.
Re: marching flute-curved headjoint
15:33 on Friday, January 14, 2011
Re: marching flute-curved headjoint
17:46 on Friday, January 14, 2011
Re: marching flute-curved headjoint
09:03 on Saturday, January 15, 2011
Re: marching flute-curved headjoint
14:36 on Saturday, January 15, 2011
 Bilbo (1340 points)
My injury isn't going to get any better probably. |
I feel for you and hope for your improvement. My comment would be that I'm not so sure that a curved H.J. would be enough to solve your issue. It may be that a curved head may help, but the act of marching with any instrument may be aggravating the pain and avoiding it may be best for a longer more healthy mobility. Qithout trying to suggest that they exclude you from marching perhaps there are other ways that you could assist the marching band -just thinking.
Re: marching flute-curved headjoint
19:53 on Saturday, January 15, 2011
Re: marching flute-curved headjoint
20:45 on Saturday, January 15, 2011
 Bilbo (1340 points)
I understand.
Quitting flute would make me very sad also. I would however consult a good doc. because you wouldn't want to do really serious damage & sometimes pain and injuries have a way of coming back later in life. So, not to sound negative because I spent 4 years in H.S. and about 7 years in Univ. in marching bands but really quality flute playing is fostered in lessons, recitals and concert settings.
So if you are considering buying a curved head. want to experiment, the curved head joint would put your hand position about where a flute body without the head joint would be if you put the "head end" of the body (called the receiver) near your face and held your posture. The flute body is identical to any other flute body in length and basic weight.
See a photo here:
Re: marching flute-curved headjoint
21:03 on Saturday, January 15, 2011
Re: marching flute-curved headjoint
11:45 on Friday, February 4, 2011