S.O.S! performance exam nerves! tips?
10:49 on Sunday, January 16, 2011
 BeccaTheNinjaBan dieXOXO
Posted by BeccaTheNinjaBandieXOXO
K so i have to play this song called Rondo (by Haydn) for my performance exam piece at school (i'm in grade 9).
my problem being this: i have some serious problems playing completely along in front of a bunch of people. i always play it perfectly alone but then imess it up on the performance itself.
any tips?????

Re: S.O.S! performance exam nerves! tips?
10:57 on Sunday, January 16, 2011
Re: S.O.S! performance exam nerves! tips?
14:33 on Sunday, January 16, 2011
Re: S.O.S! performance exam nerves! tips?
15:36 on Sunday, January 16, 2011
 BeccaTheNinjaBan dieXOXO
Posted by BeccaTheNinjaBandieXOXO
thankyouu guys!!!!
Really awesome advice! i will def try it

Re: S.O.S! performance exam nerves! tips?
20:27 on Sunday, January 16, 2011
 spark12 (64 points)
Metronome is the key to confidence.
Here's what I do, go over the hard parts (even if you got it) very slowly and repeat that a number of times. Maybe use the metronome for those parts too.
Then, go through the entire piece with metronome, slowly. Then gradually gain to a comfortable speed.
Then at the end of practice, try to play the whole thing without stopping ONCE at least twice in a row with the metronome at the right speed. After that, pretend that you are playing in front a thousand people (literally walk out of the room, enter, bow...lol), and try to play perfectly with no mistakes. You are not allowed to stop. All rules for performances apply in the mock "exam."
And try to find as many people as possible before your exam, so you can play in front of them. On the day of your exam, play because you want to play. Show that you have to share what you are playing to others because you LOVE it...like a show and tell thing we used to have in kindergarten, haha. You're not playing for the sake of an exam and getting very nervous. Embrace the nerves, love the feeling.
Re: S.O.S! performance exam nerves! tips?
21:16 on Sunday, January 16, 2011
 BeccaTheNinjaBan dieXOXO
Posted by BeccaTheNinjaBandieXOXO
thanks sooo much!!!
i have to play with a piano recording, but i tried using the metronome and it really helped me alot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Becca

Re: S.O.S! performance exam nerves! tips?
11:53 on Tuesday, January 18, 2011
 Pyrioni (437 points)
If you can't find a bunch of people, try play in front of camera, and then post your videos onto Youtube!
I was like you very nervous in front of people 4 years ago, my teacher was very angry at me, she said, "Flute playing is a performing art, you have to face people, if you are so nervous and can't perform, don't study flute, try composition!"
Then I went out to the street and practice flute in front of strangers, and joined youth orchestras, and my teacher also taught me to record myself with a camera without re-take and then immediately post onto Youtube. After few years, I don't have stage fright anymore. <Added>for example like this one, I just sightread it tonight, lol.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHphMmcCZDU<Added>testing my new Muramatsu EX with Bach's Air in G (flute in Bb) ^_^
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KW-Ff_Nb2QA<Added>Winter largo:
Re: S.O.S! performance exam nerves! tips?
13:40 on Saturday, February 5, 2011
Re: S.O.S! performance exam nerves! tips?
12:28 on Sunday, February 6, 2011
Re: S.O.S! performance exam nerves! tips?
12:44 on Sunday, February 6, 2011