Thanks Doug, yes he is very very amazing, and this guy Claudio is very kind and very friendly and he taught me the tricks how to circular breathe on Galway Flute Chat and with private emails, I can now circular breathe but only 20% of the time successful, I need much more practice, but my busy youth orchestral works and Trinity performance exams stopped my CB practice in the past 1 year. I will pick up CB again and make it perfect soon.
yes, I need circular breathing, because when I was little I had pneumonia and now my lung capacity is not big enough, I'm always short of breath:<Added>Claudio's English is so hard to understand and he sometimes uses Google translate, :( otherwise, he can be a very good online teacher of mine.
<Added>I stopped communicating with Claudio now, because I get big headache each time reading his emails. lol
<Added>cflutist, yes, I like Pahud and then Jacques Zoon most. :)
<Added>really thanks Doug, you reminds me to practice CB again. :)