Ideas and Suggestions
Ideas and Suggestions
17:15 on Sunday, May 14, 2017
 faithreid (1 point)
Hello, my name is Faith and I'm 17 years old. I'm a junior in high school, and I've been playing the flute since I was in fourth grade. With that being said, I still own my fourth grade flute. The instrument is old, I believe it was used when I first got it, and has minor issues. The main things that I see wrong with it are that the pads need to be changed, the e flat key is broken (stuck down), and the instrument itself is very discolored from years of use. Being that I'm only 17 and working 8 hours a week for minimum wage, I don't have the money to fix the instrument. However, no one wants to buy an old, discolored, broken flute. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I should do with it? Thank you.
Re: Ideas and Suggestions
16:09 on Monday, June 12, 2017
Re: Ideas and Suggestions
14:01 on Thursday, September 7, 2017
Re: Ideas and Suggestions
10:57 on Thursday, September 14, 2017
 Steve_Cramer (2 points)
As background, I've been professionally repairing instruments for over 25 years.
The low Eb key staying down sounds like a simple spring replacement, which would be part of any complete repad job. Typically, if done through a store, you should expect that for around $200-300 your instrument would be completely disassembled, dipped, polished keys and body, dents raised, end joint fit, new pads, new head cork and key/trill corks as needed, and adjusted so it is like new again.
If it is an Armstrong, Gemeinhardt, Yamaha (or perhaps Buffet/Emerson/etc.) that wasn't made in China/Taiwan/etc., then it is probably worth having the work done since it will far exceed anything on the market today.
I'm not a big fan of Bundy or Artley, but sure, they are also okay and might be worth 'overhauling'. My main qualifier is to at least make sure the tone holes are 'rolled', that is, have a turned lip, not just sliced off flat. (Bundy tends to be plain, Bundy II will be rolled)
Sometimes the finish on a Flute will look horrible, but that is often just tarnish or clouding over that will polish out. The main concern is loss of plating, but even that can be polished bright, just might be a different color than the other keys, etc.
Hope that helps!